Rental Telly

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Mar 12, 2011
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Psychiatric ward??
Hi all, what would you do here;

My elderly mother has been renting a televison for about 20 years. It is long defunct and now does not even work as it is one of the "old" pre whatever it is types [i do not have a telly so could not care less about these matters]

She has been paying £16 a month!!! I have taken over her house and want it out the way. The firm is called "box clever" and have now gone bust and are an internet only place but can only rent to existing customers [insolvenccy laws or something i expect]

Anyway, i told her to phone them and tell them to come and get it, but they say they are in bedfordshire and want to get it in about 2 weeks time. I told her to tell them to come and get it now or it will be down the tip or alternatively i charge £200 a week storage!! What you think??

If i send them this in writing and they do not collect the thing pronto, they will be deemed to have accepted my terms!!!


Don't know about the legalities TBH  Appreti.  but if they went bust  I've heard of people just keeping the sets , if its been out on rental for a long time they won't want it anyway .  There should be some terms somewhere.    20 years you say , well folk only want flat screen now .

I trust you are buying your Mom another set .

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20 years @ £16 a month = £3840

I reckon they will have had their moneys worth out of it and won;t want it back.

Why did she carry on paying after analogue switch off when it stopped working? 

Just cancel the standing order or direct debit that's paying for the rental, now that you have told them to end the rental.

Hi Prodave, Old and stupid... Just assumed it had gone a bit funny and then forgot about it.

It is down the tip now. If they want to sue her i will use the bit about "satisfactory quality" that will put paid to them!!!

