Scary Cable Theft Attempt

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Dunno though Andy ,I reckon his mates underpants may have been a bit soiled :^O

Yeah, apparently you can't tell by just looking at it, if its live or not.

Should've gone to SpeckSavers.

"There is no way of telling by sight if a cable is live or not and the

risk of death or serious injury is obviously very high."

A guy got jailed for 2 years last week for stealing cable from a railway line in Leeds. It has cost

The power companies should really be on hand to make sure the cables are isolated and grounded before the thieves come to take it away. Its a bit like the news yesterday when thieves made off on 3 new motorbikes but because they werent wearing helmets police didnt chase them in case they fell off and hurt themselves!

They should make any one that does this sort of thing pay for all the damage and losses that are inccured.

They should make any one that does this sort of thing pay for all the damage and losses that are inccured.
Great idea in theory but in practice the sort of people who commit these crimes are usually on benefits & have no money.

I once had a company car stolen & the thief was ordered to pay the firm resitution at

Just think......."months in hospital" is quoted.

Who picks up the tab for that, then?

Us (again), the great british taxpayer. Not the scumbag in question, who`s probably claiming every benefit available, and contributing sod all to society.

Think maybe the idea of "private medical insurance", and doing away with NHS, would save a lot of money. These wallabies mightn`t be so quick to risk their lives, if they had to fork out the cost of treatment.

Never happen in this namby-pamby country, but we can still dream......

Similar to the story this morning - A couple, on a flight, with a 13month old child. Child repeatedly kicked mother, who batted the kid on the leg (no mark or bruise, etc.)

Stewardess sees this, takes the child off the mother, alerts the pilot, and the plane is diverted to the nearest airport, where the mother is disembarked and questioned!

WTF???? Over-reaction or what?

Too many "do-gooders", and not enough real deterrents. Stories like this, and Rev`s above, really wind me up! :red card

On the news tonight - another idiot trying to steal cable is in hospital with 40% burns. Don't think he'll be getting my sympathies for a speedy recovery. Proves KME's point as above.

Just think......."months in hospital" is quoted.Who picks up the tab for that, then?

Us (again), the great british taxpayer. Not the scumbag in question, who`s probably claiming every benefit available, and contributing sod all to society.
assuming he got caught and actually got locked up (instead of release ready to go finish the job), then we would still end up paying for all his luxury's in prison.
