Scottish Sparks & ProDave

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Just wondering if Scottish Sparks near the border would work in England too and have to register with Competent Person's Part P schemes . Or has the cost driven them back to the Highlands ? :innocent

I don't know.

I wouldn't work in England. It's 300 miles to the M6 from here. A little closer to the other side of the border, but still too far.

I often wonder how it works for folk either side of the border. I guess the Scottish guy might be part pee registered if he gets a lot of cross border work, and the English guy would see work the other side as a walk in the park.

A similar situation must apply to sparks either side of the NI / Eire border as well.

I here stories that Building control are not so relaxed "down south" (by that I mean South of Glasgow) and that some of them demand scam menbership and won't accept certificates on plain paper. Certainly the Highland and Moray councils will accept plain paper certs, but haven't worked south of that.

Building Control here insist on an EIC from a Scheme member , otherwise the job doesn't get signed off .

The only other way is to pay Building Control to pass it off by sending a registered contractor to inspect and certify.
