screw fix cable

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Senior Member
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
whats the difference between the two cable makes sold in screw fix ? T+e

The more expensive cable is manufactured by a part of a group that used to be known as Pirelli.

Arguably it's a better quality cable... even though both have BS numbers.

im findnig screwfix isnt as cheap as they should be robbing barstewards :eek:
Applaud Smiley;)

Some bits a still reasonable..

but others are ruddy stooopid!

Bit like B&Q...

stick a couple of low price offers to tempt you in...

then stitch you up left right and centre over everything else!!! X( :|

Applaud Smiley;)Some bits a still reasonable..

but others are ruddy stooopid!

Bit like B&Q...

stick a couple of low price offers to tempt you in...

then stitch you up left right and centre over everything else!!! X( :|
Same parent company I understand :)

point to ponder2.5 mm T+E

one rated at 24Amps the other at 23Amps

i have seen 22Amp rating

surely that cable doesnt comply with BASEC if its only rated 24/23A

either that, or they have shown a de-rated value, just to help those DIYers who cant work it out themselves
