Pop round to neighbour's to fit 3 new light fittings. Missus asks how long, hour and a half I say. I'm thinking 3 fittings plus a cuppa and a chat, job done.
Stairs light ,remove pendant, wiring is two red Xgrade cables, no earth. New fittings are metal.
Into loft ,find JB with T/E changing to 6491X and all earth wires cut off, re-connect earths ,rewire to fitting ,all the time being dive bombed by the resident angry wasp .
2nd fitting OK.
Down to hall, that one has a T/E but the E is not an E, so up to small bedroom, drag furniture out , carpet up, floorboards up , feeling fed up now , was looking forward to sitting in garden.
J/B with earths cut off again , Strip it all back, expose the earths , take loop imp, thankfully one of them is actually E , reconnect it all , floors back down , furniture back, fit new fitting in hall , neighbour crosses palm with silver, return Thunderbird to its launch bay, into the shower.
Why do people cut off the earths , they've wired in T/E FFS !!!!
Step out of shower , neighbour rings bell, water is coming through hall ceiling , OOOOOOOh NNNooooo , dash round again , empty room, carpet up, floorboards up, a screw has scraped down the side of a heating pipe and theres a pinhole in it.
Another 3 hours draining down , get all water out of the pipe for soldering ........who needs it .......apologies to neighbour..... that was Saturday gone !!!
Stairs light ,remove pendant, wiring is two red Xgrade cables, no earth. New fittings are metal.
Into loft ,find JB with T/E changing to 6491X and all earth wires cut off, re-connect earths ,rewire to fitting ,all the time being dive bombed by the resident angry wasp .
2nd fitting OK.
Down to hall, that one has a T/E but the E is not an E, so up to small bedroom, drag furniture out , carpet up, floorboards up , feeling fed up now , was looking forward to sitting in garden.
J/B with earths cut off again , Strip it all back, expose the earths , take loop imp, thankfully one of them is actually E , reconnect it all , floors back down , furniture back, fit new fitting in hall , neighbour crosses palm with silver, return Thunderbird to its launch bay, into the shower.
Why do people cut off the earths , they've wired in T/E FFS !!!!
Step out of shower , neighbour rings bell, water is coming through hall ceiling , OOOOOOOh NNNooooo , dash round again , empty room, carpet up, floorboards up, a screw has scraped down the side of a heating pipe and theres a pinhole in it.
Another 3 hours draining down , get all water out of the pipe for soldering ........who needs it .......apologies to neighbour..... that was Saturday gone !!!