When my dog was young he had this raised lumpy things on his front legs/chest area, they look like skin tags.
I asked the vet at the time and was told "doesnt look serious and nothing to worry about"
i was stroking him yesterday and i noticed it had all got alot bigger/bumper, the skin tag bit of it is also bigger, it doesnt seem to bother him but it has made his fur in that area stand up.
My groomer said she has not seen anything like it before.
Before i go to the vets i thought ad ask here
I asked the vet at the time and was told "doesnt look serious and nothing to worry about"
i was stroking him yesterday and i noticed it had all got alot bigger/bumper, the skin tag bit of it is also bigger, it doesnt seem to bother him but it has made his fur in that area stand up.
My groomer said she has not seen anything like it before.
Before i go to the vets i thought ad ask here