So what ring final test procedure am I missing?

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Nov 28, 2009
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Okay I thought I knew how to test ring finals, end to end, figure of 8 test etc.

But I keep encountering this scenario:

I've done a PIR today and found no earth on the downstairs ring final.

Upon investigation, the CPC for the downstairs ring is lifted out of the earth terminal inside the CU and both ends of the CPC are terminated together in a choc block.

Because I keep finding this, this is at least the third time, I can only assume someone has done this during testing, and forgot to put the CPC's back in the correct place.

But what test are they doing where they need both CPC's terminated together in a choc block?

I normally split them and do an end to end continuity check (no need for choc blocks, just clip my test leads on), then cross link them to the other L for the figure of 8 test. But never do I join both together into a choc block.

So am I missing something, or what's the mystery behind why I keep finding ring final CPS's not in their right place, but joined together in a choc block?

no idea Dave,

NO test I can think of, even if you were testing at a socket the earths in the bar are still connected together.

long lead test and wanting to eliminate parallel paths, maybe? :|

You mean those bits of copper wire aren't just for ease of stripping cable?...

No Idea!!

Only thing i can think of perhaps, is that now you are supposed to do IR tests with the CPC connected to the means of earthing, perhaps they are sticking the two ends in the choc block, sticking a test lead from there to the earth bar and doing the IR to check all is well from that point of view before finally cutting the cables to length and terminating them, idea being that it is easier to get at the ends to cross connect them etc, before you cut them to length, only forgetting to connect the cpcs afterwards??

Dunno...Only a guess


It's also suggested that no zs or any kind on polarity check was done at the sockets...

I doubt these have been like this since the install was first done, if so it would have been more than 20 years ago, and I can't believe it's been in use that long with no earth on the ring and nobody has tested it since.

The CPC's are cut to length and sleeved, so it makes me thing someone has done this later as part of some testing or fault finding and forgot to put it back.

These have all been rental properties so one would have hoped they had regular inspections.

I wonder if it is one of these "HiFi" misfits, thinking they will provide their own earth for the ring in some way at the socket. Equally far fetched, but if you see some of the junk these types buy it makes you wonder...


somebody who works for the same letting agent has a dodgy power tool or something, and has found that removing the earths in the board stops him blowing his fuses
