The device is a transformer with a single winding on the primary. It will give a voltage whenever there is current flow. Installing it the wrong way round may result in the following - assume a small amount of export is taking place, the inverter sees a small amount of import. To stop the import it increases its output voltage. This causes more export which the inverter sees as more import and it will continue to ramp up its voltage until it reaches maximum voltage where it will stay.This is how I understand a CT
Clamp works. I'm sure of I'm wrong someone will be along correct me..
The CT clamp works by reading the current flowing in the direction the arrow is facing. So if the CT clamp is pointing towards the meter and you have the back to grid feed turned off/disabled. You will get the zero figure like you stated in the op.
If the arrow on the CT clamp is facing towards the CU and you have used 9kwh of power like octopus have stated, then you should get 9kwh readings from the CT clamp.
I read somewhere when I was installing mine that if the live and neutral feed to the meter are reversed (by mistake) this can give the meter a wrong reading.
Checked my smart meter and has me using 3.93kWh today so doesn’t look like it’s workingHi Andy, still not fixed but the installer is at least looking at the issue now and they change some settings, not sure what they were but yesterday’s usage was only about 1kWh difference. I have a GivEnergy battery and I can’t find any settings similar to this. I’m hoping since they’ve made changes it might match today’s usage and so far it’s says I’ve pulled nothing from the grid but Octopus doesn’t give real time data on their app so may have to wait until tomorrow
Could have been this. Maybe?.
I read somewhere when I was installing mine that if the live and neutral feed to the meter are reversed (by mistake) this can give the meter a wrong reading.