The guy was issuing 7671 certs for the work........But here`s the fun bit:
1. The national company sells the installs to local companies, who do ALL the paperwork (apart from billing).
2. The local company has a sub-contractor agreement with an individual or company (in this case an individual), to actually go and install.
3. The individual employs or subs the electrical side to a self-employed, electrician(ahem) guy, who makes an error.
4. The self employed numpty doesn`t have his own transport.
5. The jobs are scattered far and wide around the country.
6. no. 2 has paid no. 3, who has in turn paid no. 4.
7. No 1 is now going to withhold payment to no. 2., for the job that has been spotted......for a start.
8. No. 2 is going to be royally upset about this.
9. No. 3 is expecting to have to pay for getting it sorted out........................
More tea, vicar?