Something I've not come across yet.

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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As the Missus spends forever looking at wallpaper in B&Q and I'm wondering whether death may a better alternative, I start looking at their lighting ,which for some reason on a bright sunny day , is still on.

And I'm wondering what the 4 lamp fluorescent fittings are with what are obviously energy saver tubes. Thing is they have grey appearance and give off little light . They also appear to be very slim . Now saving energy must be good but giving out a few lumens would be nice .

Possibly OK for a store I guess but not for a workplace I assume .

I think they replaced their 400W Metal Halide low bays with these dim tubes.

As the Missus spends forever looking at wallpaper in B&Q and I'm wondering whether death may a better alternative, I start looking at their lighting ,which for some reason on a bright sunny day , is still on.And I'm wondering what the 4 lamp fluorescent fittings are with what are obviously energy saver tubes. Thing is they have grey appearance and give off little light . They also appear to be very slim . Now saving energy must be good but giving out a few lumens would be nice .

Possibly OK for a store I guess but not for a workplace I assume .

I think they replaced their 400W Metal Halide low bays with these dim tubes.
i made a thread about them a while back


You're not wrong there Kerch , 'cos your waiting for the next pratfall ..... " Do you think this matches the red in our lampshade ?" Eh!!!! How am I expected to know !!!

I mean, I know that live is a sort of muddy colour , neutral is a bit darker and the Earth is blue from space and if the green traffic light ,one at the top, is on , then you must stop.

What else do I need to know ??

You're not wrong there Kerch , 'cos your waiting for the next pratfall ..... " Do you think this matches the red in our lampshade ?" Eh!!!! How am I expected to know !!! I mean, I know that live is a sort of muddy colour , neutral is a bit darker and the Earth is blue from space and if the green traffic light ,one at the top, is on , then you must stop.

What else do I need to know ??
the difference between red and burgundy apparently,

Wall paper....a tricky foe to master, best left alone in my opinion....'tis womans work.Paint?...another tricky little barsteward just waiting to trip you up.

Curtains and cushions?..just walk away

Basically all matters of a 'furnishing nature' should be the sole domain of the female.............. :Y


I need to "like" a post MORE than once!



I need to "like" a post MORE than once!


we need to form a forum outing for all the wifes/GFs/bendy partners, then we can all go to the pub for a couple of weeks while they decide what will look nice in each others house without ever having seen the colour scheme,

no different to them asking us what would look nice, I have never seen the colour scheme in my house either so it wont make any difference!

yep, but other shops are as bad, pick something there and when you get it home under a 'normal' light its different too, thats why shops use the lights they do, to make stuff look nicer so they sell more!


When we had a retail outlet [as well as the contracting side] we used to supply special coloured lamps/tubes to Butchers and Greengrocers.

They were sort of 'Colour 84 ish'....made everything look better in the shop. Take your purchase home and it looked 6 months old!

The tricks of the Retail World...shove a green thick mat in front of the grocery section, it makes the trolley move slower so that you spend longer looking at the stuff that goes off quicker. Sweets by the checkout, etc etc you know all the rest.......... :coat

NO,we need to form a forum outing for all the wifes/GFs/bendy partners, then we can all go to the pub for a couple of weeks while they decide what will look nice in each others house without ever having seen the colour scheme,

no different to them asking us what would look nice, I have never seen the colour scheme in my house either so it wont make any difference!
Am I missing (out on) something here? :p : ^O
