Spate Of Van Break In Up Here

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Nov 28, 2009
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I wondered why there was a police van parked at my building site this morning.

It turns out two of the builders vans were broken into last night outside their houses. All their nail guns and portable tools like cordless drills taken. Rear doors have a huge hole punched in them by the lock like someone just whacked a hole with a sledge hammer.  CID coming later to fingerprint the vans etc.

There was a whole spate of break ins last night and the good news is at least one of the vans hit had cctv so they might get a picture of the scroats.

Nothing taken from the site but we are out in the sticks, it looks like they targeted all the towns and villages just off the A9. 

Probably your friendly members of the "Travelling People "  passing through .

I've had three vans  done over .     At least the police up there are taking an interest , couln't give a s s s  shirt darn 'ere .

A witness gave the reg. plate No. of the car , make Blue Metro, plus description,   that robbed our van outside an industrial job  .  Police action  = nil .

That could be Deke.  On the way over to the boat last week I noticed a large travellers camp about 15 miles from here.

Of course the Police would never dare to go and look there as there would be all sorts of complaints about racial harassment.

What is the difference between saying people must be thieves because they are travelers or saying they must be thieves because they are black?

What is the difference between saying people must be thieves because they are travelers or saying they must be thieves because they are black?
I suggest that you ask the UK Insurance industry why they consider homes near traveller sites and camps a higher risk?

I know no more than that, so go ask the ABI, I suspect it's down to statistics, and reported crimes?

What is the difference between saying people must be thieves because they are travelers or saying they must be thieves because they are black?
In my book that's irelevant.

Saying they are thieves because it is a statistical fact that people that travel around in groups, living in caravans, illegally parking on private land, and leaving a mess behind them are more likely to be thieves than ordinary folk living in a house and working for a living does not cause me a problem.

If the statistics also show young black males are more likely to be thieves than young white males then again it would not be a racist observation.

So let me get this clear. If the statistics say that you are more likely to be robbed by a black man then does that mean that black men are more likely to rob you?

So let me get this clear. If the statistics say that you are more likely to be robbed by a black man then does that mean that black men are more likely to rob you?
It means I would be more wary about going into an area that's predominantly occupied by black men. And would be more suspicious of a black man loitering about with no clear reason to be there than a white man doing the same. 

It does not mean I would go up to a black man and call him a robbing b$%$^&^&

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So let me get this clear. If the statistics say that you are more likely to be robbed by a black man then does that mean that black men are more likely to rob you?
Ask the people who made the statistics, no one on here can answer that, you've just said that if it's a statistic that says this, so if it were to be then you would have to ask the "persons" who generated the statistic.

It means I would be more wary about going into an area that's predominantly occupied by black men. And would be more suspicious of a black man loitering about with no clear reason to be there than a white man doing the same. 

It does not mean I would go up to a black man and call him a robbing b$%$^&^&
Then you sir are a racist.

Until we took action in this area  we had a bi-annual visitation from the travelling people who descended upon a local children's park area for two weeks.

By pure coincidence everybody had their sheds , garages & trademen's vans robbed .   ( Mine twice)   Amazing how the two phenomena  happened at the same time  and more amazing that the robberies ceased after our welcome visitors had moved on.

These gates were one of many projects .

Note plate on rear doors covering where the lock barrel was punched out  prior to stealing my power tools, MFT and the red Hilti case containing a house brick .

Image013 (2).jpg

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You say you would be suspicious of a black person loitering but not of a white person loitering. Do you not think that is a racist comment?

You say you would be suspicious of a black person loitering but not of a white person loitering. Do you not think that is a racist comment?
I would be , a black guy pointed a gun at my face a few weeks ago .....I quickly added the two facts together guy + gun ..... result . I'm dead.

Sorry but its the way it is.
