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You say you would be suspicious of a black person loitering but not of a white person loitering. Do you not think that is a racist comment?
Not when taken in the context of the original post, which BTW Essex you are getting into a habit of totally ignoring.

I would be , a black guy pointed a gun at my face a few weeks ago .....I quickly added the two facts together guy + gun ..... result . I'm dead.

Sorry but its the way it is.
Clearly the fact that you are typing now proves that your equation is wrong.

Clearly the fact that you are typing now proves that your equation is wrong.
Again Essex, I think you need to read the original thread.

Then come back and say that you would not have felt threatened.

You are very blase with your comments, and you really need to read some posts in a little more detail and understand them before you shoot from the hip, because it's not becoming of you.

You lot up north wish you could afford to live daann saaaafff! Hehe. ; -)
I used to, until I finally realised it was over crowded and over priced and i wanted to live somewhere better.

Then you sir are a racist.
you can form that opinion if you want to, but I don't care what you think.  At least we have the freedom in this country to express that sort of opinion.

Again Essex, I think you need to read the original thread.

Then come back and say that you would not have felt threatened.

You are very blase with your comments, and you really need to read some posts in a little more detail and understand them before you shoot from the hip, because it's not becoming of you.
Oh it is definitely becoming of me. Shooting from the hip gets me into all sorts of trouble as you well know ; -)

Has no one seen TOWIE?

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