Sounds very old school to me, but I do very little industrial stuff.welders, transformers, high bay lights and 110V site supply
Sounds very old school to me, but I do very little industrial stuff.welders, transformers, high bay lights and 110V site supply
you have never used a 110V centre taped transformer for site tools?Never seen a 2 phase supply over here.
you have never used a 110V centre taped transformer for site tools?
That isn't 2 phases, it's two halves of the same 110V have never used a 110V centre taped transformer for site tools?
caught me, yes its not two phase, but it is a double pole supply,That isn't 2 phases, it's two halves of the same 110V single-phase.
nether have I ,normally 3 phase then split up at the DB (into 3 phase circuits, 2 phase circuits and single phase,)I mean two phase supply to a premises.
I was hesitant about making bold statements in my previous reply for this very reason. Do they state that both poles must be switched or specifically that a 'double pole' device must be used. The latter isn't particularly common in the UK for RCBOs in a domestic board and would be two modules wide - at least I'm yet to learn of any single module, double pole RCBO. It's not ideal to fit an additional 2 way board for every EV charge point, but that would be the easiest way of providing true double pole isolation - RCD and MCB.
Makes me wonder if the IET need to be more specific or if they've been adequately specific in this matter.
erm... there are various single module, Live & Neutral switched, (what I understood as "Double pole"), RCBO's available in the UK..
e.g. Crabtree Starbreaker RCBO's switch the neutral as well!
"Starbreaker Miniature RCBOs with switched neutral built in as standard will fully isolate a faulty or damaged circuit by disconnecting live and neutral conductors."
And MK Sentry:-
"The MK Sentry range features neutral switched type double pole RCBOs in one module format."
etc.. etc.. google should offer other options..?
Those single module RCBOs do switch both poles, but are distinctly different from double pole devices. This thread was started to discuss that very issue and early posts highlight the difference.
Possibly you need to inform MK...? as their data sheet describes the single module RCBO I linked previously as "Double Pole"?
e.g. Features • Single module • Meet BS EN and IEE Wiring Regulation requirements • Allows both overcurrent and earth fault protection and detection • Available in a range of current ratings • Tunnel type terminals • Generous terminal capacity • Positive contact status indication • Double Pole • Bi-directional
Double pole disconnects both the live and neutral wires for full isolation.Possibly you need to inform MK...? as their data sheet describes the single module RCBO I linked previously as "Double Pole"?
e.g. Features • Single module • Meet BS EN and IEE Wiring Regulation requirements • Allows both overcurrent and earth fault protection and detection • Available in a range of current ratings • Tunnel type terminals • Generous terminal capacity • Positive contact status indication • Double Pole • Bi-directional
The requirement for EVSEs is that the protective device disconnects all live conductors how this happens is not relevant.
Please clarify:Double pole disconnects both the live and neutral wires for full isolation.
Sp+N Is not considered to be a true double pole device, as it doesn't control two separate circuits simultaneously.
Reverse polarity could be one.Please clarify:
What event is an example where a 'double pole' device and a 'SP+N' device would act differently?