Spon's Estimating Costs Guide to Electrical Works

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Supporting Member
Aug 22, 2008
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Does anyone have the very latest edition of this book? I believe it's the 4th edition. If yes, could you please tell me what labour rate Mr Spain is using now?

Many thanks

Brian knows nothing , you only have to look at him .

Old fashioned method is a sheet of A4 , four columns ,break the job down into sections .

So adding a dist. Bd in a factory might be :

Hrs qty cost each cost

1 1 C/tree MCCB 100 TP 75.00 75.00

7 20m 25mmx4core SWA 8.00 160.00

2 2 25mm glands 5.00 10.00

/ 50 cleats/fixings .30 18.00

6.5 1 12way TP Dis.Bd 55.00 55.00

/ 12 C/tree TP MCBs 28.00 336.00 4

5 site visit/ measure /quote - - - - --

So 21 hrs= 3 days so 24 hrs at ,say,25.00 = 600.00

Add up mats , add 20% = 784.00

TOTAL 1384.00 +VAT

These are supposed to be in columns but the forum has pushed them all to the left. I don't know how to correct it.

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Sorry about that. I had set it out for each column but when I post it squashes it all to the left. :C

The above is for 1 man doing the job ,which is feasible , 25mmX4c SWA not that heavy ,run it off the drum, clip it,make two ends off and connect, fit a MCCB in a panel Bd., mount a dis. Bd and shove a load of MCBs in it.

These are supposed to be in columns but the forum has pushed them all to the left. I don't know how to correct it.
:^O :^O:^O

BRIAN would have told you...

If you'd asked...

He knows everything! :C

:x :x:x:x

He is now officially seconded to working at Admins, three days a week sorting out forum bandwidth problems...

do not underestimate the power of young Brian Deke!


The little sod ...wait till he gets in .. hes out on the town somewhere .. rat arsed up Broad St I suppose ...then he phones to picked up ..well I'm off to bed ,hes on his own .
Watch it Deke..............

he'll stick the Taxi fare on your credit card if you don't fetch him!

better wait up till 3:30am me thinks! ]:)

I thought I'd resurrect this thread rather than start a new one.

I happened to be looking through spons today and had a read through the builders work section. Is it me or are those time allowances OTT? 54 minutes for a 25mm wide chase in block!!! I know they're for hand chasing (hammer and bolster), but even if you halved those times, they still seem pretty high.What allowances do you guys make for chasing?

Zee, I have my own method ;)

In general if I know the walls are thermalite block, then I'll allow about 30mins for the chase run and the aperture. If however it's fletin brick or indeed I don't know what the material is (rewire) I'll allow approximately double the former.

I was merely curious as to what allowances others make. As spons is a popular publication I wondered if this was the norm.
