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well, I heard it said that you shud never mention her name 3 times.........

mr flop

you fail to have your ducks 

in a row

that saying refers to me

and the correct number to use is


mr smith

last edited by mr smith for the following reason: a lesson was needed

Last edited by a moderator:
mr smith has been awoken WHY exactly?

members think it amusing to disturb my beauty sleeps

mr smith doubts they will find it 

quite so amusing 

face to face

mr smith believes it was mr sinatra who said


they will have a few

messrs electric and flop

your cards have been marked

and found wanting

Last edited by a moderator:
mr smith would like to clarify the following two points


mr smith is not a bad person

mr smith is

in fact

quite jolly

when he is not disturbed needlessly


mr smith can categorically state

that any 


observed within the confines of the forum banner

have not been promulgated by mr smith

mr smith would suggest

admin three or four

would have more idea than mr smith
...in a whisper......  I think he,s disapeared TBH , not been on here for weeks ...its always AD3  ....she runs the show now .

mr electric

admin three does exactly

what she is told

no more

and no less

than that

mr smith hopes this assuages any confusion you may have experienced

mr smith

last edited by mr smith for the following reason: blood red is a nice colour
Oh Blimey !!

:yawn Mr Smith has marked my card and Sprocket's  ....is this a good thing or a bad thing .  Will we still be served in the wholesalers ? :C


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