Some good advice above , Yorkshire. As Lurchio says , if you are filling time till the weekend comes, then something is wrong.
As said above, keep asking questions ,even if the answer doesn't make sense yet, it will drop into place. Take an interest in the job. Make yourself useful, steady that trunking while the guy is cutting it, don't wait to be told, start doing stuff on your own as soon as possible, if you have jus carried the drill build your own tool kit up.
There is a certain amount of errand running and tea making which falls upon you as the bottom of the food chain , (well the Gaffer 'aint gonna fetch you a sarni, is he?) Do it with good grace.
On saying that, if you find you are just standing watching, pass me this , pass me that, and being a complete gopher, then don't stand for it , you are there to LEARN and HELP There are still some sparks about who think an apprentice is purely for carrying the tools, footing the ladder etc, chopping KO boxes in, don't put up with it , do your share but don't let them use you as a labourer all the time.
Try and get the college stuff nailed while you are still young (I presume you're young !) and your brain is still like a sponge, age and beer will soon alter that.
Assuming you are just starting out try drawing all the different circuits , 1 way, 2 way ,inter, etc Draw a motor starter circuit then try adding remote stops and starts or limits etc .
Good luck