Supply earthing type

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OK so the only way we are going to have a better idea is when the OP goes and does some testing so john, drop EVERYTHING and get a meter out and record us some readings ;) .

Steps,Come on, you know that in the UK it is illegal for a DNO to supply TN-C-S unless it is PME.

We've been through this! ;)

The supply presentation is TN-C-S. However, the DNO is required to make any CNE supply system PME or PNB (with limitations).


BTW, Could be NT-C-S or TN-S depending on the configuration of the cut out, however, I'd bank on TN-C-S as the N & E emerge from the cutout.

HOWEVER, NO PME label!...

Here we go again!

I do agree Paul,

both with the DNO requirement and the missing label,

one thing I have just realised though,

is this a UK installation?

I think we can probably assume yes,

but it is another variable,

there is still a difference between PME and TNCS

EVEN if it is taken that all TNCS must inherently be PME,

as I already said, TNCS is a means of supply, PME is a means of earthing said supply.

No, it isn`t.

Although one is frequently the other, they are not "the same", as you will understand if you back check some of the highly informative posts on the subject.

Also, FYI, there is another possibility for the supply type to NOT be PME.

Possibly the HED was configured as PME, but the DNO found their incoming Zs (our Ze) to be above the requisite 0.35; so they would classify that as a TN-S

