SWA cutter/stripper

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Senior Member
Sep 23, 2010
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Evening all,

Got some external work coming up soon and wondered has anyone used one of these new fangled SWA cutters ...


I had a bit of a play with an adjustable copper pipe cutter with mixed results. I dont do a lot of SWA work, so anything that makes it a little easier is welcomed - they cost about 16 quid.

Kind regards


There ok if using on nothing bigger than 3core 2.5mm.

Paul, stick with the junior hacksaw for small swa,s and normal one (blunt or or otherwise) for bigger 'uns.

To get your armour cut straight , carefully put a band of pvc tape round the cable ,on the cut and follow it round with your saw.

Yes I have one but only used it a couple of times (couldnt even put my hand on it now, lost in the van somewhere).

Stick with the hacksaw/knife & tape it's just as quick.

I always mention this where possible, but my best friends dad invented the blade runner (my small claim to fame). I also like to mention that the guy has been seriously ill of late and I get a little annoyed when people slate it as badly as they do. Not having a dig at anyone here, but I mentioned this on another forum and someone said some very inappropriate comments about the man. He had an idea, he pursued it and it was successful, good for him, it hasn't made him rich though.

I had to gland 90+ swa ends, I got one of these to do it.

I love little gadgets like these because simple things annoy me, and what annoys me about swa is twisting it awkwardly so I can hacksaw one side of it. With this, I could just sit there turning it over and over without a care in the world.

It does the job nicely, and it isn't blunt after all the glands I did. It's not really a time saver, but if you're like me and awkward jobs are inconvenient for you, get it.

I always mention this where possible, but my best friends dad invented the blade runner (my small claim to fame). I also like to mention that the guy has been seriously ill of late and I get a little annoyed when people slate it as badly as they do. Not having a dig at anyone here, but I mentioned this on another forum and someone said some very inappropriate comments about the man. He had an idea, he pursued it and it was successful, good for him, it hasn't made him rich though.
It's a good idea and well done to the chap who thought of it. However it's too flimsy and breaks easily (I do domestic and don't do too much swa, but I've broken three and they all went in the same way). Kewtech took a good idea and then failed to engineer it properly and just ended up with a worthless piece of junk.

The "other" version for nearly
