That main fuse again

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Senior Member
Nov 11, 2008
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Just having one of headbang these moments.

Just starting a rewire where the meter tails are past their best. Meter was replaced last year. So, being a rule abiding electrician, I rang up YEDL to find the supplier of the property to get the fuse pulled. British Gas.

Rang them up - here's a brief description of conversation -

Me: I need a main service fuse removing to carry out essential work.

BG: What's that. Is it the white box that switches off all the rooms in the house?

Me: No, that would be the consumer unit. I need the main fuse removing so I can change the consumer unit.

BG: Well, you can do that can't you?

Me: No, as you are the supplier to this property it is your responsibility.

BG: I've never heard of this before but i'll go and check.

Me: (irritation level risingheadbang)

BG: (having returned) Is it the box with the switches on?

Me: No, that's the consumer unit which I am responsible for. YOU are responsible for the meter and the main fuse.

BG: How long do you need it taking out for?

Me: About 20 minutes.

BG: I'll go and check again.

Me: (irritation level contuining to riseheadbangheadbang)

BG: (having returned...again!) Yes, we can send somebody round. It'll cost

We have electricity north west as the DNO in this area, they charge for all sorts of work from fuse removal and replacement, service head upgrade, fitting of an isolator etc. Think its just another way for them to make money. they charge something like


What I could be tempted to do is contact either BG`s complaints dept, or the OFGEN ombudsman; with the complaint and the points raised in this thread. The last attempt fell by the wayside as, according to the DNO`s "there isn`t any interest in this from sparx" (sic)

Carp! The scam providers were pushing, some of the providers were pushing, and the DNO aren`t interested.

Effectively, they`re charging us twice, for the same work.

I used to do it the way you outlined. I don`t anymore.......... ;)


We`ve said it before - with the "watchdog" programme - and we made a difference to the website of the BBC!!!

Having a rant & letting off steam is good, but we have, at our disposal, a huge pressure group, capable of (at least) making these companies listen to us.

We need to use that strength - the scam providers should do this for their members (yeah, right!) but they don`t - so we`ll have to do it ourselves.

Dont cut the seal anymore

change tails live

only if the meter is in good condition and the new type...

Well ive always pulled the fuse, ring them first, then reseal once work has finished.

If they don't like it, tell them to go and jump

I think you will find the HSE and the EAWR would back you in a court of law

Hi Guys....

What do you do to isolate the supply when performing a CU change? Do you cut the seal on the incoming fuse or do you get the supply company to come do it for you and reseal it when you are finished? If so, how much does this cost and how long do they take to come out?

Looking forward to your replies!!


What do you do to isolate the supply when performing a CU change? Do you cut the seal on the incoming fuse or do you get the supply company to come do it for you and reseal it when you are finished? If so, how much does this cost and how long do they take to come out?Looking forward to your replies!!
Erm, have you not read the thread?

Or any other of the many threads either on or relating to the matter.

Erm, have you not read the thread? Or any other of the many threads either on or relating to the matter.
Lurch please be kind. I merged two threads, Benjo did start his own thread.

Lurch please be kind. I merged two threads, Benjo did start his own thread.
Well that does make more sense, sort of. And I was being kind, I didn't swear or anything. :)

obviously this is a touchy subject

but bg or any supplier is not responsable for the main fuse that is property of dno centrel networks in my area. so ring them and they will sought it or ask for iso sw to be fitted they will renew tails to meter at time

i thought the supplier was only responsable for the meter.

i await the wrath

I have always maintained the biggest problem is when the energy supplier is NOT the DNO. The DNO won't come on your say so as they have to be requested by the energy supplier, and as you have found, some are frankly hopeless.

I once tried (uncuccessfully) to get N Power to come and upgrade some sub standard meter tails. I never did get them round, the telephone operative just kept repeating like a parrot "put your request in writing and we will consider it" Even when I told her they were unsafe and needed immediate attention, she just repeated the same.

Scottish and Southern are great (at both ends of the country) and will come out same day if you say something is unsafe, but ONLY if they are your energy supplier.

One of the hidden "problems" with changing energy supplier.

I have always maintained the biggest problem is when the energy supplier is NOT the DNO. The DNO won't come on your say so as they have to be requested by the energy supplier, and as you have found, some are frankly hopeless.I once tried (uncuccessfully) to get N Power to come and upgrade some sub standard meter tails. I never did get them round, the telephone operative just kept repeating like a parrot "put your request in writing and we will consider it" Even when I told her they were unsafe and needed immediate attention, she just repeated the same.

Scottish and Southern are great (at both ends of the country) and will come out same day if you say something is unsafe, but ONLY if they are your energy supplier.

One of the hidden "problems" with changing energy supplier.
Blame the last wa...ig government for that.
