the devils music

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Alexis Korner FFS I had forgotten about him; now that dates me!I am getting like my father used to be...'call that b!00dy music! it sounds like some tw@ banging a stick in a dustbin'....and listening to the $ h ! t e coming from some cars nowadays I agree with him...... :coat
Music!!!!! most of the time all I hear is Boom Boom Boom

I remember my older brother correcting me some 1000 years ago . I'd grown up on his Jazz records but the next generation wanted to be different so we embraced Chuck Berry and then Elvis (Pre US Army) . "Its Rock n Roll " I said as Heartbreak Hotel was playing on the radio. "Its Blues ,Man " says my brother (Jazz club type kids spoke like that )

First record I bought was Mystery Train by Elvis , turned out it was an old blues number ( Forgot the singer now, Little Blind Lemon Muddy Howling Waters or somebody!)

Like Kerching , I'm also becoming my Dad as regards ....c.guys rapping , clutching their privates and making stupid hand gestures .... Sugery Boy/Girl bands who have to use electronic modulators on the sound system to keep them from going flat . American so called female superstars who can't perform away from the studio. Those poor souls on Britains got Talent who think they can sing but are really a million miles away from the top professionals ,but the audience gives them a standing ovation .

There are though some talented youngsters about, most of them girls , KT tunstall , Rumer... that dutch wench ... whats 'er name ??

And more , can't think at the moment. Katie Meluer ??

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