What an Excellent read! The experience shows.
Great Tips, Myth Busting, And for the not so experienced "Jargon Busting".
A great; Informative, book for People with all classes or no classes of experience.
It was well worth the Wait - And My hat off to you Alan.
Credit where credit is due!
There are soo many good points to mention, but I can't as I will give its contents away.
All I can say is; Experienced, non-experienced, no experienced and new Sparks, and the avid DIY enthusiast - This book is a great mine of information and it not only explains things extremely well, with clear and concise diagrams and 'Real Life' photos at various stages of test etc... but it also states where you can find the "Cross Referenced" material, backed up with the actual numbered positions.
Thank You Alan, A wonderful read!