russia doesnt need to bomb us to cause chaos, they just need to turn off the gas
we sold the technology to Hitachi...we should have our own people building our own nuclear stations
I agree with that . How does expense compare to being at the mercy of unstable powers to supply energy.At the risk of inciting our resident Legal Eagle we are sat on 100’s of years of coal. Coal that is now lost to us without massive investment to recover it. With this coal we should be able to export power. The technology to burn coal cleanly is available, expensive I know but preferable to nuclear power plants built by the Chinese.
Another ones dead
Putin is playing 4D chess with the west.
And there is another "problem" Had we not closed down the industry that put me through my apprenticeship, we would still have the ability to design and build our own...... but preferable to nuclear power plants built by the Chinese.
Something wrong with this photo ! For years I've been familiar with the saying " Up Shyte Creek without a paddle " only to find theres a store there selling loads of them !!!! :COne score point to Andy.
This country is far to reliant on fuel supplies from abroad. Upset any of the countries we rely on and we’ll be looking for this place:
View attachment 9175
At the risk of inciting our resident Legal Eagle we are sat on 100’s of years of coal. Coal that is now lost to us without massive investment to recover it. With this coal we should be able to export power. The technology to burn coal cleanly is available, expensive I know but preferable to nuclear power plants built by the Chinese
The Russians will be mindful of Britians CASD when playing international gangster then
apparently you don't threaten a nuclear superpower.