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May 15, 2012
Reaction score
I am not dynamite but tried to make a point yesterday by showing how this forum can be to harsh in genuine questions proved again today

A colleague asked a question that was really genuine and was shot down in flames for no reason and belittled why does this forum do that

It really is a great idea and could be a brilliant tool for all to use but it seems a minority use it as a platform to boost their own egos and prove how clever they are when I feel peoria know what peoria are asking but because the question is not asked as a 2391 exam question people find it acceptable to slam you

Sort this out guys I am sure genuine people are out there so lets not have the few rule the roost

The general commenting and pettiness by some people no need for specifics it happens on many occasions

After your childish behaviour yesterday what do u expect people take time out of there lives to answer your questions

As I stated I was making a point and it worked a treat people slated the guy who did not know stuff rather than help

If you post in the relevant places ie student or questions and answers then I'm sure you will get the answers you need. Its all about politeness and respect. I have been a regular here for 3 years and never had a put down or rude reply.

I second that rev...I have asked stupid questions that I should have known but have found members nothing but helpful.

Oscar, in my experience in this forum the members who really know their stuff will help you more if you can give as much detail as poss..mention everything so they have all of the info they need to help.

If your not one of the fools in here to mess about then I apologise!

There was an old adage regarding common sense, something like this:

If it looks like poo, and smells like poo, don`t bother tasting it, because there is a pretty good chance it is going to BE poo.

To translate that for you:

If you act like a pillock, and post like a pillock, we`re not going to waste time trying to prove if you`re a pillock - we`ve better things to spend our time on.

If that is the sort of inane, asinine post you want to make - I suggest you do it elsewhere.


It seems to me theres a certain breed of poster who whenever things arent going there way jump upon their high horse and scream about how hard done too they are. In reality your not your whiney...more cheese to go with your whine?

"and prove how clever they are when I feel peoria "

peoria A group of tribal indians from Illinois?.........whats all that about?

Lol i had to google it as well nick,

Oscar just try to construct your question and reread it back to yourself.

Obvious answers will get u hammered otherwise everybody I find to be quite helpful and knowledgeable so sometimes its better to read and learn instead of posting a stupid comment !!

Oh BTW these posts win you no mates favours or scoobs so man up a bit and stop dripping

Exactly my point well done lads you must feel real clever with yourself especially you nick tesla mind your head when you go through doorways don't want you to bang it and damage those valuable brain cells of yours

Join the real world or don't gods like you make any mistakes ?????

All hale the new god that is nick tesla I bow to your superiority

Not mean say what u want but unhelpful yes anyone can quote regs but I was asking advice not just to determine the exact terminology of a single sentence

I have to agree with Oscar. I find this forum to be a brilliant and full of knowledge apart from a few who decide to attack people for not knowing everything. At times i feel it's a point scoring affair with a few and instead of helping, people are just ****ged off. Pringle vs Pringle. On the whole it's excellent and the answers come in the end but there's not need for bitterness.

Ur the same person dynamite and super uve just not slipped up like u did earlier with u and super spark
