Three tests required to verify the continuity

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Junior Member
May 24, 2011
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Hi there,

If the wiring system did not contain separate C.P.C's, Can you please help me with three tests to verify the continuity of protective conductors formed by the conduit and trucking.

Thank you,

ok, have a bit of a think about your question and put here what you think the answers may be, then folks will be more willing to help.

there are many on this forum who can help you with your studies, but they wont do them for you. That would be counter productive.

What are your thoughts so far? I pressume that you have covered this area at some time in college and have some insight?

Sorry Sprocketflup you beat me to it!! :Applaud :Applaud

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If you have any college questions, could you please start them in the "student and learning zone"

Also while we will help where we can you will learn nothing if we just give you the answer, post your thoughts and we'll offer all the help and advice that you want

If you have any college questions, could you please start them in the "student and learning zone"Also while we will help where we can you will learn nothing if we just give you the answer, post your thoughts and we'll offer all the help and advice that you want
Thread moved. Agree with NozSpark 100%. Spoon feeding answers should not be a requirement of any further or vocational education course. Whereas bringing your answers for discussion debate and help would be appropriate.,

Doc H.

2391 testing and inspection
Have you tried looking at your copy of Guidance note 3 Inspection and testing of electrical installations first to see what it suggests. I am sure it covers various test methods. Some of which you should have already covered in your installation course.

Doc H.

I'm interested in this question as I'm still learning.

By using method 2, long lead method, and checking at main earthing terminal to several points along the trunking, and any earth points in electrical equipment, to its furthest point in tht circuit would be one way of doing it.

Use method 1, connect line to swa/trunking and check at each terminal L-E until the furthest point of the circuit would be another way.

I can't think of a third way of doing it?

Sorry, I meant connect line to main earthing terminal in method 1, not to trunking/swa/conduit.

think about the joints in trunking and what they would need to be to ensure continuity...
