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Fridge Keyholder™
Supporting Member
Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
In the office again.
Am I happy to actually HAVE some work? too right.......

But I nearly had conniptions when I saw the doorway to get into this afternoons working space:


Then the roof space itself ("floor" is plasterboard on 3x2 batten; forming the ceiling of the changing rooms in the hotel pool area).


Then navigate the steel beams:



use the ducting for balance, but don`t put your weight on it.............


The view of the exit - from inside


A bit of the plumbing up there......


(n.b. the whole area was lagged with rockwool on chicken wire, as the flue motor is in this room, and there are guest rooms adjacent; so noise needs to be suppressed. There is zero natural light, and the trailing light had to be run from down the hallway, and gaffered into place.)

n.n.b. For them who don`t know, or had forgotten; I`m just over 6`6".

n.n.n.b. BTW - the job? install motion sensors to the changing rooms, so the lights aren`t on all day. Nobody said BOTH changing rooms had the same supply, from a communal switch bank. Of course, its all 20mm conduit & singles, and you can only take out one changing room at a time!!!!!!

`tis done - damn, I`m good (and aching, sore, bruised, itchy, knaffered, et al)


Its good to see you at least have some work after your bad run, its never easy doing any work (maintenance) in those areas, first fixing is a doddle because the ceilings are never in, but any remedials are a nightmare. I have just completed the CDM file for another job I am involved in, I know that I have designed the installation with all due diligence to future maintenance, however I also know that the space I have allocated is going to be eaten up with other services.

Lofts can be one of the worst places to work. At least it wasn't a domestic loft full to bursting with 20 years of the owners rubbish that you need to move before you can do anything.

I think an interest in pot holing would often stand an electrician in good stead.

Domestic lofts are becoming a nightmare with the increasing levels of insulation used. I've just first fixed a house that has those tiny (3" max) roof trusses, yet has been filled with something like 12" of loft insulation. Not a hope in hell of ever walking anywhere in that loft without removing vast quantities of insulation.

Plus the heat, I must have lost 2stone in water on the last job. I think the woman called a plumber out after I had been up there for 3 hours.
