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I'll be sure to have a wee (or not so wee) dram of single malt tonight.


Why is the swear filter objecting to the word t o n i g h t ? : headbang

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You're not even Scottish Dave !!! 

Tonight ..Tonight ,,won't be like any night

Tonight there'll be no morning sun

Tonight the minutes seem like hours ....etc

Works for me .... try hitting the keys harder.

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Im with deke,

why do you or I need an excuse ?

why do you or I exist? oh, on that note, having a wee dram helps me think better, now, why do I need that bottle opener again...............

Perhaps we don't exist ...perhaps its all been a dream .... or a nightmare in Stepps case ...are we the only humanoid lifeforms in this infinite universe ...but how can it be infinite   everthing must end , but the universe doesn't can that be ?.... is there a last planet and after that  nothingness going on forever ?... but there can't be nothing .. there'd be.... dust..... and those bits of fluff that appear in your bellybutton ....what if theres a giant bellybutton fluff thing that fills the oblivion of space ..........................................

........................................   AAAAAAaaaagghhh !!!  My brain just exploded!!!

longest Ive ever done was 18cans,

but I was a lot younger in those days.
On a personal point.....I'd like to do one can :innocent .....................................
