Tone Of Posts - A Personal Rant

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Senior Member
Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
The Eden Valley, Cumbria.
Maybe it's just me, but the tone of posts on here appears to be changing, and not for the better.

I'm all for debate, the whole point of a forum like this (for me at least) is to here the views of others and give mine where I think relevant.

Posts along the lines of "why not just use standard cable and the correct glands", or "why not use the correct gear and do the job properly" are just carp - go into your wholesaler tomorrow and ask for a drum of standard cable and a box of correct glands - see what you come out with!

I'm a firm believer in the adage "if you don't ask, you'll never learn", none of us know it all, we each have our areas of expertise, we should share our knowledge freely amongst colleagues, but there is no place for posts showing how clever I am.

If you want a p*ssing competition go to the IET forum, if you want to belittle others, go to Screwfix!

Rant over.Guiness Drink

good post and i agree i would like to hope the forum becomes a place of general banter, advice and knowledge as opposed to the other sites you mentioned, yes we all love to be the worlds greatest electrician(i seem to always have him follow me on jobs!) and on the whole i've found the replys mostly helpful with a bit of mickey-taking thrown in which is how everyday working life should be.

now stop whinging riggy 4flipssake ;)

I fully understand what you are saying and to be honest I do not think anyone is really being clever in the replies to posts, I just think its the way some people debate.

If an answer to a post is just off hand then yes I do see your point.

I have made such posts, but I have been corrected by those on the forum.

It is sometimes hard for people to put in words what they actually mean without souding like a plonker, I do it at work almost every day.

I know the core of people on this forum give some very good advise, and will do whatever they can to help.

Sometimes this has even extended in to helping people with personal problems.

I come on this forum because of the good humour and the help people give on this forum.

I do hope it will continue, any one giving smart ass answers would normally get fed up. :^O

But have one of these on me

Guiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness Drink

Riggy , I had a look at the thread you refer to. I don't think the guys are being smart arses , those that were seem to have moved on ( or been moved on) !!. I think a short comment , straight to the point , can look a bit rude in print but am fairly certain they don't intend it that way. I certainly hope I don't.

Some months ago I was waffling on about all the jobs that were lost when Rover Cars, in Birmingham, was shut down . Someone who no longer uses the Forum ripped into me , saying they all deserved it because the cars were a load of carp anyway. Or words to that effect. Didn't give a flying Phart about the people involved. We don't seem to get them anymore.


If you look at "Oilbedamned",s post he,s written a book about glands.

As Riggy quoted my post on a thread, I can only assume that he was referring to me amongst others. As the post was a genuine comment, made without knowing what environment the cable was to be used in, I do feel that he has somewhat overreacted to a suggestion which may have proved useful.

i have been on a lot worse.. :)

i have never met a sparky yet who does not know it all so why would it be any different on a forum . :)

its just that you lot are sparkies and thats why it frustrates you because you cant all know it all, and now you realise the plumber are even cleverer than you so i can see your problem .

i have been on a lot worse.. :) i have never met a sparky yet who does not know it all so why would it be any different on a forum . :)

its just that you lot are sparkies and thats why it frustrates you because you cant all know it all, and now you realise the plumber are even cleverer than you so i can see your problem .
just because youve got 2 badges and i havent :_|

If you want a p*ssing competition go to the IET forum, if you want to belittle others, go to Screwfix!

Rant over.Guiness Drink
This forum is about helping all (and sharing knowledge and experiences) and not being unfriendly in a condescending way and or belittling the OP (or others).

There still has to be balance (even in here), in allowing a little good natured banter without one being offensive.

I'd like to think we have it about right here, the membership speaks for itself.

Don & his Boys

The Godfather

This forum is about helping all (and sharing knowledge and experiences) and not being unfriendly in a condescending way and or belittling the OP (or others).There still has to be balance (even in here), in allowing a little good natured banter without one being offensive.

I'd like to think we have it about right here, the membership speaks for itself.

Don & his Boys

The Godfather
here here!

This forum is about helping all (and sharing knowledge and experiences) and not being unfriendly in a condescending way and or belittling the OP (or others).There still has to be balance (even in here), in allowing a little good natured banter without one being offensive.

I'd like to think we have it about right here, the membership speaks for itself.

Don & his Boys

The Godfather
here here!
There there.


If you do have any issues/problems/concerns with members/posts/comments you know either Admin or myself or even the Mods can be PM'd and will help in any way we can.


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