Travellers - Dale Farm Evictions.

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
I listen to the news on R5 today at 5.00 . I write what I hear .

Apparently Basildon Council are operating an "Ethnic Cleansing" solution to the traveller problem , because they are gypsies .

They sound like people from the Republic of Ireland to me and they were saying that we should be finding them somewhere to live .

If I was a racist I'd probably say " Try the Republic of Ireland " Which is a foriegn country but not far away which has lots of beautiful coutryside where you can park your caravan and there will be no racism because you will all be the same race, so you will be welcomed back and the Irish Social services will look after you and everything will be wonderful.

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The funny thing is Deke, is that they all have homes in Ireland, so they cant really be counted as true travellers. In top of this, these people are NOT gypsies. True gypsies are the most comforting, house proud people you could ever meet. Does that sound anything like this lot?


No, and they seem to exist without any men .

A load of them moved onto a local park last week , next to the Birchfield Harriers Athletics Centre but soon seemed to have dissapeared.

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^ In some ways I agree with both of you, these are ROI travellers who happen to have holiday homes back in the ROI (their only resemblance to Romany, who also spend the their tax evasion money where you can't see it)

I have worked for 'Show people' possibly the most welcoming people I've ever had the pleasure to work for, who likewise consider this section of the community to be a blot on the landscape (made me smile when I heard their views on the subject)

Have you noticed how all of the Dale Farm men are invisible, wonder why :C , could they be avoiding the spotlight?

And lastly the do gooders, talk about stupid and naive, bet they will change their mind as they get older and find a tip in there nice Eco wildlife parks they have campaigned for ROTFWL

I hate the way the police have to justify their actions, the news is full of ****, the headlines should be ONLY seven arrests, Im sure there were more people that I saw on the news throwing bricks, I cant see how the police can just stand there and take it, I know I couldnt.

The professional political activists are there to have a go at the police and the Conservative local Council . Across two radio stations today (R5 and Radio WM ) I've heard the race card played five times .

This translates itself as if you are a certain race or travelling culture (no idea which) a local council has to find you some land to live on .

Which also means , of course, that if you're not of that race or culture , the local council does NOT have to find you some land to live on .

So no good all us English or Welsh, Christian, Muslim, Jews, Hindus, Sikh , Rastafarians , Scots travelling down there then and setting up a camp in the nice green countryside , we'd be booted straight out !!

The professional political activists are there to have a go at the police and the Conservative local Council . Across two radio stations today (R5 and Radio WM ) I've heard the race card played five times . This translates itself as if you are a certain race or travelling culture (no idea which) a local council has to find you some land to live on .

Which also means , of course, that if you're not of that race or culture , the local council does NOT have to find you some land to live on .

So no good all us English or Welsh, Christian, Muslim, Jews, Hindus, Sikh , Rastafarians , Scots travelling down there then and setting up a camp in the nice green countryside , we'd be booted straight out !!
can I stay then?

because we all drive vans and dabble with electrics, does that make US a race? We have a culture of wiring and testing, so lets lay claim to some land and build what we want and play the race card ourselves.

Hate them, some moved in 200meters away, tarmaced a field and now have 40+ caravans on it! no planning permision, court orders against them, been apealed a million times over. Its about time the government came down hard on them, and also sacked off the european court of human rights we managed before it was created! Lets unify europe into one government, mad!

What gets me is all day I've heard them bleating on about how they need the site as they are travelers & living in brick houses isnt their way of life?

Well as far as I can see most of the properties there are static homes perched on brick pillars............not very condusive to a traveling way of life in my view..

They loved the legal system when it was in their favour, now they are holding the ****e end of the stick they (as old jonesey used to say) dont like it up em sir.

And as for all the tree hugging police hate anti establishment do gooders & activists, I say Tazer the f***ing lot of em.

We have a load set up in a field in my town. They bought the field for cash and over a weekend when nothing could be done because it was a bank holiday they put fences up and hardstanding down then moved in. Now if i bought a field like this and tried to build a house or something the council would knock it down but for some reason these people think they have the right to set up home wherever they want and use all our services but not pay for it.

Stepps comes from N.I Zee, they're like the English but talk funny .

Nothing wrong with having a Welsh Mom and a Scots Dad M8......... but I'd keep being born in London to yourself if I were you :| ;) ; )
