Problems being, in today's compensation culture, one or two accidents and someone, or the family of someone are going to sue the arse out of an event backed to the hilt by the liberalist brigade. With claims that they were not made aware of the danger, there was no one to hold my hand, the grass was all wet so I had to stand on the tarmac near the front etc etc. They sue they win its screwed for everyone else. so many events both sporting and otherwise have gone by the board because insurance or health and safety issues deem them inpractical.
Like I said earlier, you should take 100% responsibility for your own actions and across the board, I dont even want to contemplate for a second the tragedy that could have unfolded with sidewinder, from a seemingly pleasent scenario there could have been a disaster, but responsibillity lies with you as an individual whether it be standing 18" from a speeding motorbike, leaving your kids alone while you eat at a nearby Tapas bar, or break your legs falling off a police landrover while trying to put its windscreen through in a riot......These are your choices and the consequences are your's also.
I would not like to see the TT races banned, they are an institution, but, i am surprised healh and safety and the liberals have not won the day there.