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read the plethora of posts, 59 61 & 66. Three times i have asked you. Read 57 from Ian while your at it he grasped it but you never had a pop at him for writing it down wrongYou are right, I did write it down wrong. What I should have said was R1+R2, but was thinkin about testing a ring and and should have clarified r1+r2/4 should be the expected result for R1+R2 barring any spurs.

Also, I would be sticking to my college course notes for revision and teaching aids, and if I saw something that conflicted these on the internet, then I think I know which one i would trust.

I did pick up on what you were saying nicky, and I'm sure most of the rest of the guys did also, but as this is the student learning zone, then I can see why sidey is trying to point out to everyone who reads these posts, that a simple mistake like this could be the difference between a pass or a fail.

Hugs and kisses. :D

Sorry, inspection any testing forum but still, you get the just of my post.
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bad day explode

Blinking eck!!!

I need some of these GuinnessGuinnessGuinnessafter reading that.. :eek:

So let me just get this straight in me head..

is (((R1+rn)+Z1)xRA)/U0 => the cost of a bacon roll???

]:) :Blushing


bad day explode
Blinking eck!!!

I need some of these GuinnessGuinnessGuinnessafter reading that.. :eek:

So let me just get this straight in me head..

is (((R1+rn)+Z1)xRA)/U0 => the cost of a bacon roll???

]:) :Blushing

I am the world's leading expert on bacon rolls, but I don't understand your terminology. This will undoubtedly confuse those members who are new to bacon rolls, so I have to ask you please to ask your question again using correct terminology. If you fail to do this, I will shout at you (and so will my learned friends), and it's no good shouting back, because that will just make you rude! ;)

On a completely different note, refering to pickleye's comment:

Lad I work with has not in 2 years performed an insulation resistance test (excluding piro (MICC)). Every test sheet is filled in as 999MOhms. Our meter reads >1000 for the over range, not 999.
One of my tutors at college insisted that if we did and IR test and the tester showed >1000MOhms, we should write down a specific value, for instance 999MOhms. He said this was because putting in a specific value was important on a test sheet.

When I asked how you could compare test results year on year if you didn't put down the value on the meter, he wouldn't explain!

I'm fairly sure he was talking out of his b****m :eek:

One of my tutors at college insisted that if we did and IR test and the tester showed >1000MOhms, we should write down a specific value, for instance 999MOhms. He said this was because putting in a specific value was important on a test sheet.When I asked how you could compare test results year on year if you didn't put down the value on the meter, he wouldn't explain!
Told in college 2330 L3 and 2391 that you write what you get. Never do you write a specific value for an over range reading - one meter might read >299MOhms so write, what 298MOhms? Next inspection on a different meter >1000 Blooming heck its improved in service.

I've just started HNC, and a month in, I had to blow my stack. No coursework available on their system, its just a joke not funny. There are self employed lads on the course that are loosing a days work to sit at a computer not being taught and having no system access.headbangheadbangheadbang

Its worrying the quality of education some places are providing, but I wont go on, but I could, and sometimes do, cos its annoying, but I said I wouldn't, but I am so I

Woops forgot to quote Ians last post so ive had to edit this:|

Yes thats great Ian. I dont mind constructive criticism at all, in fact bring it on. If i was corrected in a friendly manner by someone with the intelligence to put 2 & 2 together such as yourself and then nudging me in the right direction all this bickering would never have happened.

I just cannot stand being talked down to.

Anyway Nuff said

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 22:05 ---------- Previous post was made at 21:53 ----------

I am the world's leading expert on bacon rolls, but I don't understand your terminology. This will undoubtedly confuse those members who are new to bacon rolls, so I have to ask you please to ask your question again using correct terminology. If you fail to do this, I will shout at you (and so will my learned friends), and it's no good shouting back, because that will just make you rude! ;)
OH! Riggy.....That is Ace......You have got it in a nutshell Totally Insulation Resistance Tester (i mean Megger) :slap

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I suggest you stop going on about correct terminology when you cannot back your weak opinions up, You just sit there nit- picking instead of answering.
Correct terminology is very very important. This can be seen by the high percentage of failure rates of students on the 2391 course. So I do agree, that is it is important. I also agree with those who pointed out that I set this forum up for Student Electricians. I have yet to see an electrician forum who welcomed student electricians (certainly before this one started). A lot of our items here on the forum ARE used in a lot of colleges.

I can't wait to see this Tutorial from Manator. I have mentioned in the past, asking if someone had the time to write out all the correct terminologies, etc as used in the BS7671 and 2391 etc. (possibly adding the myth type terminology too, for a comparison of what is used currently by some, and what Should be used.

That will certainly be a massive hit and download for colleges.

When the tutorials are done I
On a completely different note, refering to pickleye's comment:One of my tutors at college insisted that if we did and IR test and the tester showed >1000MOhms, we should write down a specific value, for instance 999MOhms. He said this was because putting in a specific value was important on a test sheet.

When I asked how you could compare test results year on year if you didn't put down the value on the meter, he wouldn't explain!

I'm fairly sure he was talking out of his b****m :eek:
Ali you are allowed to say bottom on here or shorten it to bum.

Correct terminology is very very important. This can be seen by the high percentage of failure rates of students on the 2391 course. So I do agree, that is it is important. I also agree with those who pointed out that I set this forum up for Student Electricians. I have yet to see an electrician forum who welcomed student electricians (certainly before this one started). A lot of our items here on the forum ARE used in a lot of colleges.I can't wait to see this Tutorial from Manator. I have mentioned in the past, asking if someone had the time to write out all the correct terminologies, etc as used in the BS7671 and 2391 etc. (possibly adding the myth type terminology too, for a comparison of what is used currently by some, and what Should be used.

That will certainly be a massive hit and download for colleges.

Downloads section, probably.
I could do that :slap


it only gives definitions for terms used within 7671

for instance,

do you know what an ISCO is?

its a recognised term, but NOT everywhere,

NO,it only gives definitions for terms used within 7671

for instance,

do you know what an ISCO is?

its a recognised term, but NOT everywhere,
Fair comment, although I do think the request was for terms used within BS7671 and the 2391 :)

Always going to be lots of terms used in any trade or profession that are not well known.

I did try a search for "ISCO", came up with various options, so I tried a search for "ISCO electrical" it asked if i meant Tesco electrical :)

The list in 7671 still isn`t exhaustive, though.

I think the problem stems from people having been taught (e.g. live / phase / line) ; and being so used to using a particular phrase or description, that they find it hard to stop saying it, even when they know what the correct current term is.

However, there are those who don`t know the correct terms, and use whatever sounds right to them. DIY can be forgiven for this, and gently nudged in the right direction - but this thread began as an aide to filling in PIRs, due to the number of questions that crop up; and the number of poorly filled in certs that are out there.

I believe now, as I did when the thread began, that the correct terms are important; and we should be encouraging use of the accepted words and phrases. It doesn`t help the cause when people want to "argue the toss" - though, again; some people are known for it. (Whilst I`m not getting into that subject, I`ll just say that my value of a members opinion is, to an extent, based on the "thanks" they`ve given & received; as a proportion of their post count, Plus their reputation level. I thought that was their purpose?)

So, to drag the thread back onto track; it would seem that there is a definite need for, and interest in, a guide showing not only the specific problems faced when carrying out PIRs, but also the typical reporting errors. I shall attempt to devote more time to this project - I only hope my esteemed colleagues have not been disillusioned by recent activities, or that their time & effort would not be appreciated ( though I wouldn`t blame them if they did).


OK I've had enough of this thread. Not going anywhere.

There is merit in a sticky with the correct definitions, I would like to see a thread dedicated to that. Ideally a single post closed and made sticky, no confusion, no debate.

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