The other evening my wife switched on the socket and the house fuse tripped.
I reset, but the downstairs hall light was no longer working. Changed bulbs and nothing.
Earlier today I undid the light connection and the "brown" wires had come adrift. When reseating these and restoring powere, the light switches "on", but will not switch off by the socket. It's therefore permanently on.
To explan further...
The downstairs light can be switched on/off by two two way sockets. The other side of one socket switches on an outside light and the other side of the remaining socket, swiches on an upstairs light.
The light wiring has three main leads coming into to it:
1 - Red and black and earth wires
2 - Red and black and earth wires
3 - Red and blue and yellow and earth wires
Each of the above goes into a junction type box, where the three red wires are together; the two black and blue are together; the yellow is by itself and the three earths are together.
From the other end of the junction box, the two wires to the light are connected as follows:
Brown to the junction containing red wires and blue to the junction containinig blue/black wires. It is also earthed.
The sockets do not look visably damaged.
I'm banging my head trying to resolve this issue. headbang
Is this wiring wrong, or has anyone got any iideas as to where I go from here????
I reset, but the downstairs hall light was no longer working. Changed bulbs and nothing.
Earlier today I undid the light connection and the "brown" wires had come adrift. When reseating these and restoring powere, the light switches "on", but will not switch off by the socket. It's therefore permanently on.
To explan further...
The downstairs light can be switched on/off by two two way sockets. The other side of one socket switches on an outside light and the other side of the remaining socket, swiches on an upstairs light.
The light wiring has three main leads coming into to it:
1 - Red and black and earth wires
2 - Red and black and earth wires
3 - Red and blue and yellow and earth wires
Each of the above goes into a junction type box, where the three red wires are together; the two black and blue are together; the yellow is by itself and the three earths are together.
From the other end of the junction box, the two wires to the light are connected as follows:
Brown to the junction containing red wires and blue to the junction containinig blue/black wires. It is also earthed.
The sockets do not look visably damaged.
I'm banging my head trying to resolve this issue. headbang
Is this wiring wrong, or has anyone got any iideas as to where I go from here????