un-necessary packaging

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©Resident Geordie™
Supporting Member
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
S. Tyneside
surely they could have found a smaller box?


and anyone ordered push fit connectors from CPC? very annoying when you order them by the hundred, and they turn up individually wrapped.... and their excuse for this: 'people buy them individually'

TLC are the same with massive boxes for small products!!

Being that most of my working career has been around storage/distrubution/stores most places will reuse boxes before using their own stock boxes , as these are for free , so if that was the last reuse box it will be used , to them it does not matter how stupid it is it does not cost anything to use it.

In fact in some places I have worked it was company policy to use old before you touched new. If caught using new before old it was grounds for disciplinery.
