Variation Order

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Distinguished Member
Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
Gloucestershire / Cotswolds
Does anyone have a copy of a variation order they can let me see please? I have a customer who I am doing a rewire for this week and he has added extra items to the schedule of works and I want to ensure I get his agreement in writing before doing the additional work.

Also, lets say you met Mr X last night and he has decided to accept your written quote for work, how do you guys sign him up? I have simply been asking customers to send me an email engaging my services as per my quote, but would like to involve a sign-up sheet and T&C's - or is there another way that you make it official? I am sure different people do things in different ways but am sure there must be a rough consensus of opinion?

first off you need to draw up a scope of works.

we do this as it mitigates any misunderstanding or possible things you have missed from the spec for instance

i.e we have a drawing showing a distribution panel to be installed but in small writing that was missed it says fitted with 24c gold doors! exaggerates:Blushing

so our scope says that the quote is based on a std panel and then at the end of the job the client says where are my gold doors that i asked for from the beginning it was on the drawing your covered by the scope of what YOU are providing / picked up from the required works.

I have an estimate pro forma which I use (I made it myself in MS Publisher). near the bottom is a section for the client to sign it, with a declaration that the t&cs on the reverse are accepted. If I'm providing the estimate on paper, the terms are printed on the back. If it's emailed then the estimate and terms are sent as pdf attachments. if done by paper, I ask for the estimate back signed (and provide the client a duplicate copy). If emailed I'm happy to accept email go ahead.

In the event the client changes the requirements, I will either type out a new estimate detailing just the changes (and referencing the original estimate) and get it signed, or accept email instructions.

If the initial changes are discussed f2f on site, then I always make notes during the discussion in my note book as we go along. This way the client can see what you're doing and these notes would be useful if it ever went belly up. You could ask the client to sign th enotes if you feel it necessary.

If you'd like a copy of the estimate proforma (Publisher) and t&cs (Word) send me a PM with your email address.

i use PDF995 as my pdf writer.
