Wagobox at Elex Harrogate

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Dec 6, 2009
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We will be exhibiting again this year at Elex Harrogate on the 8th and 8th of March so if you are in the area and planning to visit please do come and see us on our stand. We will be demonstrating both the Wagobox and Wagobox-Light and if you are looking for a bargain there will be some great show offers for you to take advantage of!

So do drop by and say hi it would be great to see you there.

Hmmm, was that a typo or a fraudian slip! To be honest after all the demonstrating the days do seem remarkably long!

But of course we will be there on the 8th and 9th ;)

Unfortunatly wont be attending elex harrogate this year :( recently had a bereavement in the family and other arrangements prevent us from attending , if last years is anything to go by it will be a good event, and to every1 going i hope u have fun


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