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Very well thanks, got a new baby Ratty yesterday as one was put to sleep on the 02/02/09, so we're back up to 5.

Yep thats me. :)

Very well thanks, got a new baby Ratty yesterday as one was put to sleep on the 02/02/09, so we're back up to 5.Yep thats me. :)
We have a rat in our compost bin - you're welcome to it! The dog wants it!


Happy ratty families

What you called it?

Looks a good site, does that Nige. :)

PS. The search engine submissions were either done by yours truely - or they were found by the SE spiders because of the forums popularity. :D

We have just named her this evening MISCHIEF, she did not give two hoots as to who the alpha female was, she just got stuck right in & has established her place in the heirachy (the quickest I have ever seen that happen) as for the rat in your compost bin, kill it but dont use poison then your dog can eat it, I dont do wild rats, only fancies. :)

We have just named her this evening MISCHIEF, she did not give two hoots as to who the alpha female was, she just got stuck right in & has established her place in the heirachy (the quickest I have ever seen that happen) as for the rat in your compost bin, kill it but dont use poison then your dog can eat it, I dont do wild rats, only fancies. :)
I have poison down

Would be very embarrassing a pair of vets accidentally poisoning there own dog!


Good name BTW - much better than Admin's idea :)

Rat names are as follows, Sox alpha female, top eared fawn coloured. Bala 2ic fem, top eared brown. Blaize sub fem, dumbo brown. Bramble sub fem, dumbo brown (Blaize' sister) & Mischief fem, agouti hooded.

Unfortunatley poison does'nt really work & if it does you end up with poisoned carcasses laying around that may get eaten & poison another animal or end up inside your house stinking the place out & creating maggotts.

Rat names are as follows, Sox alpha female, top eared fawn coloured. Bala 2ic fem, top eared brown. Blaize sub fem, dumbo brown. Bramble sub fem, dumbo brown (Blaize' sister) & Mischief fem, agouti hooded. Unfortunatley poison does'nt really work & if it does you end up with poisoned carcasses laying around that may get eaten & poison another animal or end up inside your house stinking the place out & creating maggotts.
Poison does work but you need to buy the 'professional' stuff not the stuff you but in B&Q and garden centres. :)

Compost at end of the garden so fats can decompose all they like :)

Good names BTW. Chuck a male and and breed your own?!

Rat names are as follows, Sox alpha female, top eared fawn coloured. Bala 2ic fem, top eared brown. Blaize sub fem, dumbo brown. Bramble sub fem, dumbo brown (Blaize' sister) & Mischief fem, agouti hooded. Unfortunatley poison does'nt really work & if it does you end up with poisoned carcasses laying around that may get eaten & poison another animal or end up inside your house stinking the place out & creating maggotts.
I worked on a poultry farm years ago, poison was the only way to keep them varments down.

I used to breed in my teens, females are so much more giving than males.

Wherever there are humans you will find rats, because we are messy animals, if you either take away or prevent them from getting a food source you wont have rats.

Poisons are pretty inefective really even the rat baiters that work for the council will tell you that. They become immune really, really quickly.

Clever things lil ratties. :)
