Well slap my ear lobe with big wet Haddock!!

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Trailer Boy - Electrician.
Supporting Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Anyone else heard this...?

NICEIC Group executive chairman Jim Speirs has called on Government to adopt risk based assessments for Competent Persons Schemes.
"I'm calling on Government to help electrical contractors during this period of instability by removing unnecessary red tape," explained Jim Speirs. "Risk based assessments would allow Part P scheme providers, such as NICEIC, to extend the time between periodic visits for contractors who have an exemplary track record of enrolment and registration with them."
Edmundson Electrical

so what's he suggesting then??? ?:|

less annual visits? :)


less for contractor to pay? :)


contractor pays the same but Part P provider does less? :(

Answers on a postcard please to

"I ain't got a clue what he's on about"

PO BOX 1234567890

Electric land


i've read about that

they were saying they wanted to have a super competent persons list, people who have shown they are competent on a regular basis, they wouldnt be required to be assessed every year like now, thus Nic will be saving the electrical companys time, so they could be working and making money in these difficult times! and also it would save them money for unneccessary half day assessments.....

thats your very own caring thoughtful Nic for you..

bless 'em

is it a bird..... is it a plumber..... NOOOOO its SUPA SPARKS.... he even has an extra badge for his van..... all for an extra

You can just see it now

Mr Speirs has been reading sparky forums (IET always has this argument on the go) & has noted how electricians are getting ansty with the NICEIC about assessments & the cost + how difficult it is to actually get a customer to be in for an assessment & the general p*** poor attitude when you call the NICEIC for anything regarding assessments & fees.

But the suspicious side of me would say, it's just an oppotunity for the NICEIC to lay off some area engineers blaming the economic down turn but showing how caring the NICEIC are towards their customers.

After all they would end up saving themselves money while we still pay full whack for the privilage of maintaining part P registration, with the advantage of no yearly assessments so long as you stay with them..... I see trouble ahead & it aint no iceberg.

Now if they do go down the road of no assessments I wonder what they would say the high yearly fee would be to cover...?

It would be one expensive admin fee wouldn't it!

Sounds like they want another "Level" for their sparks.

No doubt that level will be ever so slightly dearer to be a member of?


I think he is saying they would only assess their less competent sparkies. Those of you with straight A,s in bonding and rubber gromitting would be left to get on with it, just send your money.

Its made me think, must be difficult to keep all those appointments every day, month in and month out. And any re- assessments would throw the system into chaos, or an inspector off ill, cancelled assessments, do they pay you if they cancel ?

Once we have been assessed , surely a minimum two year visit is enough ?

Also , if this year continues the way it started, they will have no sparkies sending their annual subs in anyway, methinks !

It sounds like a money saving scheme to me. NICEIC wanted to get everyone signed up to them and now have not got the staff to access them.


Sounds like they want another "Level" for their sparksdont the NIC think they already are a different level of sparks?

i thought part p scamproviders were equal???
But some are more equal then others:O;\ :p

Four legs good.... Two legs bad!:)Guiness Drink

or to put it another way

Four hundred quid + good..

Two hundred quid + bad...

Just send in your f*****g MONEY!!!

(in a bob geldof sort of voice!) :D :eek: :^O:^O:^O

and we will decide whether, when, if, or not, we want to come and inspect..

and if we do want to come...

you better be ready!!! X( ; \ :|

and we will decide whether, when, if, or not, we want to come and inspect..and if we do want to come...

you better be ready!!! X( ; \ :|
Maybe a more fair way? Random checks. Some kind of interactive Internet based dairy so you list certified work before you do the job - Mr Inspector turns up giving 24 hours notice.

Gives you less opportunity to pick the 'perfect' job for inspection.

Even turn up without notice? If you are doing it right you should have nothing to hide..................

discuss :D

you got no chance of me giving them notice before i start a job.

but if they want to turn up after i have done the job, then thats upto them. all work is done properly and to the correct standard, so got nothi to hide. it may even be that job that they go to for inspection.

i wonder how they will work out which people get the 2 year and who gets 1 year. maybe if renewal time is due and paid, if they dont have someone to assess you, you get another year. if they do have someone, you get assessed.

Maybe if you joined at a 'quiet' time of the year, you get assessed yearly, and at a 'busy' time, you get 2 years

Maybe a more fair way? Random checks. Some kind of interactive Internet based dairy so you list certified work before you do the job - Mr Inspector turns up giving 24 hours notice.Gives you less opportunity to pick the 'perfect' job for inspection.

Even turn up without notice? If you are doing it right you should have nothing to hide..................

discuss :D

That would never work. You need to arrange with customers access to job and with most people working it is hard enough to get access anyway. I would not worry personally as the work you do is certificated and if anything goes wrong your name is on certificate. So you are going to do most jobs to the book (big red). I like the yearly visits as it ensures what you are doing is up to scratch. Its a poor show if you cannot find time for one day a year. The NICEIC thing is just a money saving exercise as far as I am concerned.


Maybe a more fair way? Random checks. Some kind of interactive Internet based dairy so you list certified work before you do the job - Mr Inspector turns up giving 24 hours notice.Gives you less opportunity to pick the 'perfect' job for inspection.

Even turn up without notice? If you are doing it right you should have nothing to hide..................

discuss :D
Would they drive round in fast cars with blue flashing lights on top, marked Electric Police SWAT Squad ? The first wave could be a transit full of armed NIC inspectors who would surround the house you are working in, then the SWAT squad ,four of them , would burst in . The leader would be armed with the big red book and a clipboard while the other three would be armed with a tester apiece, one with a loop imp. one with the Megger, one with the RCD tester. You would be read your rights , then on discovery of a missing grommit or an earth wire without green sleeving , you would be led away , and never seen again.

You will be replaced with a college educated clone in immaculate overalls ,marked NIC and the 17th edit. implanted in his brain on a memory stick.

Or am I getting carried away again ? ;)

I think its a good idea

we've been in the niceic as an approved contractor for some 20 years or more and have never been picked up on anything. Having to waste a half day every year is a bit of a pain in the *** .

Once every other year would be good unless you have not been established for very long or a bad workmanship record.

It gets my vote
