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it was an expected yes area,

one thing Im wondering,

is it one 'man' one vote,?

that is, are they adding up all the individual votes for a total, or are they taking each area as a % yes or no, and adding them up?

ie, first vot was say maybe a 5% area[it wasnt, but just for simplicity] ,

is it simply now a 5% no?

or is it a 3% no and a 2% yes?

or is it a 20,000 yes and a 30,000 no ?

oh, another NAW, and another expected yes area,,,,,,,,,,

and it was a massive NAW, almost 60%   :eek:

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55% No

We are still in the UK

I have a busy day at work today and I will have a good day knowing I don't have to worry about ruining this country or indeed the UK.

"Salmand has admitted that Scotland doesn't want independence....at this stage."

Which means the silly **** will try again in a couple of years
Quite right monkey. Just wait for the independence shout everytime something happens in the uk that is negative. This is only the beginning of the salmon swim campaign!

I'm not sad to see him go, now he's shown his true colours.  His "fellow citizens" speach the other day really had him sounding like a communist.

I do think though he should have had the balls to at least see through the introduction of the promised extra devolved powers.

I also predict he has been a bit "sneaky".  Before the vote he promised that he would respect the outcome and he would not be calling for another referendum in the future.  Note the use of "he".  Now he's gone, it would not surprise me if the next leader of the SNP (Nicola Sturgeon?) tries again some time in the future.

You do have to watch what you say up here. On today's job I noticed the plumber there had a yes sticker on his van. He told me he had cancelled tonight's planned celebration party.  I didn't have the heart to tell him I'll be toasting the correct result with a Glass of Jura.

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Ill bet PD.

An Edinburgh born and bred lad on my FB feed posted "Great, we cant even get that right. Im ****** sick of this place, cant wait to get out."

Errrrrr...ironic much? I didn't say as much tho, hes bloody huge lol

I couldn't see a future for Scotland as an independant nation TBH     .......united we stand ...etc etc ... look at Republic of Ireland  , not a hope in hell of supporting it's own population ..........so when it became a republic it somehow retained the facility of entering the UK without a passport and thousands of their people have lived & worked here in the hated England  ever since.

Some Scots have learned this "perceived hatred " of the English which has worsened over recent years and they go down the self destructive road of digging up ancient battles to use as reasons to hate .......in the way they learn with the Celtic  - Rangers stuff ...who else can we hate , aye the English .. they did nasty things in 1666  or whatever .......I.ve worked with some of these people ..... Paddies who hate the English.......Paddies who hate the Proddies  , vice-versa...  Evertonians who hate The Reds ...Bluenoses who hate the Villa ........Yam-Yams who hate Brummies   .all it does is eat them away on the inside until they are hollow men .

Then one day the wounded Catholic soldier is saved from death by the Protestant Medic who didn't even pause to check his religion .    Makes you think.            

So, on his own he has done to Scotland what it took a dose of politicians and a bunch of thugs and terrorists to do to NI, turn neighbour against neighbour,?!

Divide and conquer, was that his aim,?!

Well he certainly stirred people up Stepps and yes ...you probably get neighbours now saying ..."  Hey!  see you Jimmy !... Did youzz vote NO in the referendum .... well cop this Glasgow Kiss from me ..eh! "

Right I'm yanking the plugs on my desktop and the router in a minute , in an a no doubt futile attempt to cure this annoying Broadband access problem :C
