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The devil's in the details, or the dodgy wiring !
Supporting Member
Apr 27, 2015
Reaction score
Preston, Lancashire
Been called out to a school that's had a flood due to having the lead ripped off the roof.

Replaced loads of panel leds due to water ingress but when testing there is no earth continuity on the cables feeding each driver and pir.

They were fitted in 2019/20 by some company that used wago connectors and no boxes. I know that's a non compliance, but do you need to have a cpc in a cable when all the fittings and accessories are class 2 ?

It's wired in 6242y but the cpcs are just sleeved together often not even in a wago.

The school is worried due to non reg compliance of no earth. I have said in my professional opinion the risk to life of an electric shock hazard is minimal as the fittings are class 2 or low voltage.

Obviously there's alot of fittings to check hence why I'm working Sunday but just want to know others thoughts about the situation.

I've not checked the BBB for regs regarding a cpc requirement yet but if anyone knows anything off the top of their head that might save me some time tonight it would be much appreciated.
If they are just twisted together, chances are on a light fitting that you have not yet touched, they have come untwisted.

All you can do is point out to the school that it might be a quick fix or might take a long time to find the fault. And by the sound of things you need to buy a job lot of waqo boxes before you start.
Been called out to a school that's had a flood due to having the lead ripped off the roof.

Replaced loads of panel leds due to water ingress but when testing there is no earth continuity on the cables feeding each driver and pir.

They were fitted in 2019/20 by some company that used wago connectors and no boxes. I know that's a non compliance, but do you need to have a cpc in a cable when all the fittings and accessories are class 2 ?

It's wired in 6242y but the cpcs are just sleeved together often not even in a wago.

The school is worried due to non reg compliance of no earth. I have said in my professional opinion the risk to life of an electric shock hazard is minimal as the fittings are class 2 or low voltage.

Obviously there's alot of fittings to check hence why I'm working Sunday but just want to know others thoughts about the situation.

I've not checked the BBB for regs regarding a cpc requirement yet but if anyone knows anything off the top of their head that might save me some time tonight it would be much appreciated.

Since Red book 2008 onward up to current regs its 411.3.1.1
Pre red book it was 471-08-08.

Basically if using ADS as your protection method a CPC must be run to every accessory..
excluding a pendant with no exposed conductive parts but suspended from a point that does have a CPC.
Sadly too many chancers seem to think that the supply to a class 2 item doesn't need an earth - which is 100% incorrect.

It doesn't need to be connected to the accessory but it needs to be there
They were fitted in 2019/20 by some company that used wago connectors and no boxes.

that also reminds me of a job a few years ago. some cowboy replaced a load of highbays. existing lights had an IEC plug on the body and a flex with IEC socket plugged into them. they cut off the IEC socket and wago into the flex on the new lights. no box. all 60 of them. spent 2 days going around fitting a wagobox over every connection.

best part? after finished found a spare highbay LED that they were fitting. it had an IEC plug on the end of the flex. all they had to do was plug the damn thing into the existing connector.

same dodgy work through the offices with wago (some even had some tape over, but they run out after a few offices). they also added some new lights in some of the offices and brought a new meaning to PoE.

wonder ifit was the same company? this was also 2019/20