Were Just Tax Slaves

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score
Read this article in Daily Mail and thought id share lol

If your lucky enough to have a job these days, after you employer has paid corporation tax, business rates and national insurance contributions out of your efforts, your left with a meagure salary - on which you pay income tax and more national insurance contributions.  To get to work you need a car on which youve paid VAT, road fund licence, insurance premium tax and roughly 60% duty on the fuel.  Youll get home (perhaps via a toll road) and settle in front of the TV, having not only paid 20% VAT when buying it but EU levies, UK import duties and around £150 licence fee.  All of this - as wih the car - is paid for with money on whih youve already paid tax.  Then theres council tax , also paid for with money which is already taxed.

If your lucky enough to have anything left over at the end of the month and get any interest on your savings, that gets taxed too.

The next step will see 100% of your salary being paid directly to the government which will then hand you bak an 'allowance' it thinks reasonable - which will of course be taxable.

Slavery has never been abolished.  Its just been modernised.

Can I put a contrary view.

If you are a bit older in years, you have paid off your mortgage long ago, you have all the possessions you want so not much to buy.

You suddenly find you don't actually need to earn very much at all to live on. (which is why I only work part time)

You can now earn almost £10K a year before you start to pay any income tax at all. So that's almost £20K tax free as a couple.

Now this low income family gets tax credits in the form of child tax credit and working tax credit.  So apart from not paying much income tax, the government decide they want to pay me just over £300 a month in tax credits and child benefit.

I didn't ask for this crazy tax system that gives money to the "poor" rather than taxing them, but I'm not complaining :innocent

I never buy "big ticket" items like cars new, so VAT on big items is not an issue.

Granted I still have to pay VAT on anything I buy from the shops, and I still moan about fuel duty, but I don't do that many miles so while it's painful, it's tolerable.

I can see me when I finally manage to retire, having my 41 year old (tax free) Landrover as my only car. No doubt Mrs PD will still want something more comfortable.

The one thing I DO complain about, is council tax.  £195 per month makes it my largest bill apart from food.  In fact council tax is just over 10% of my income, making me officially in "Council Tax Poverty" but you don't hear much in the press about that one. (I spend less on fuel, so I'm not quite in fuel poverty)

M4tty , we're like cows to be milked by our controllers. 

A directly employed guy pays well & truly through the nose  as they take a load of tax before he even sees his wages.

I'g guess that a below average paid , unskilled/semi skilled, employed worker would have very little disposable income jangling in his pocket once he,s paid taxes, NI , Mortgage/rent , fuel, car tax, insurances.  And if he smokes & drinks I'd guess his family is going without . 

I believe that in the 1960s, the USA declared the UK a third world economy. 
