What is a (an) EICR?

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Feb 6, 2008
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The new Electrical Installation Condition Report EICR comes into full effect on the 1st of January 2012 and replaces the old PIR - Periodic Inspection Report on Existing Electrical Installations.

I don't understand the question.

I thought today was the last day we can issue a PIR. Starting tomorrow we must all use the EICR

So what's the question?

Lol Patch - Noz has hit the nail on the head.

Also, unfortunately, too many abbreviations are being used on the forum, which affect our SEO rankings too. :_|

Noz, to keep me happy - Please also add NICEIC. ;)

So we must do EICR now, throw away great wodge of PIRs , whats next ? The EIC or the MWC . How different are they ? Still ask for Ze, Zs , R1 R2 R3 R2D2 and Ra ? I'm in ELECSA which is ECA not NICEIC or NAPPITT or GORGI or I'm also JIB Apd . Elec. and used to belong to the ETU who became the EEPTU then dissapeared but I work to 7671 and fit MCBs , RCDs RCCBs, RCBOs into C/Us & DBs & connect the CPCs, MBs ,ME to the MET on TT , TNC-S, TN-C , PME supplies . I'll just throw out my BRG and spend another

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Know what you mean Deke my software contract has run out so will need to buy a new one otherwise i won't be able to do the certs luckily i don't do many PIR's so it can wait for a while.
