what tester to get...???.

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Andy, You looking for a fight, Son? X(


I'll just confirm that you should NOT get the Kewtech KT61.

It sounds a good deal at around

Hi all,

For your info I am a returnee. Much friendlier here.

Is a MFT the way ahead? One machine = one service = one repair =one item to lose/damage etc. I'm stuck which way to go. Any preference's from out there?


deffo fluke 1652 (1653 if you can push the cash and do a lot of 3ph)

unless you are a total idiot and want to live in the past glory of megger.

I personally will not allow anyone to use a megger within distance or on same job as me, DEATH TRAPs they are, had 3ph blow ups with them TOO many times.

Hi all,For your info I am a returnee. Much friendlier here.

Is a MFT the way ahead? One machine = one service = one repair =one item to lose/damage etc. I'm stuck which way to go. Any preference's from out there?



Hi, I am about to buy a new multifunctional tester and not sure which brand and model to get.... can anyone help me out here... what are the good and bad points....many thanks

Good points:

all the nice fancy features and functions you get..B-) :) :x ; )

Bad points:

cost!!! :eek: :( :_| :_|

Go for the best you can afford, and do not go for features you will never use.

You do not need a fancy state of the art multi purpose all singing computer hacking machine if you only test every now and again.

I own a fluke 1652 wich I did like, but much prefer the two wire option of the meggar.

I still like individual testers rather than multi but thats because I am old and a multi tester is like new tech that I never understand.(video recording comes to mind) Yes I know its dvd now lol.

In the end its all down to personal choice and what work you need to test.

If you know anyone with testers have a look at them and see which one you like, at the end of the day when testing you have to have trust in the tester and be at ease in all its functions.

We have a Robin 1620 but care has to be taken as you can knock it out if you are not, the other meter is a Metrel Eurotest 16557 which has been used constantly for 6 years with no worries.
