What Tools Should I Buy For My First Day as Apprentice Electrician?

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I'd take nothing on the first day, except perhaps some Tunnocks Caramel Wafers!Seriously, the guys you work with will know the best tools for their particular brand of electricianing, listen to them, and buy what they recommend.

I uderstand what some of the other posters have said but frankly if you turn up with something to lift floor boards when you are training as a maintenance electrician in factory you'll look silly.

All the best, and welcome to our world.
need I say any more.....Blushing

Tunnocks Caramel Wafers

Tunnocks Caramel Wafers

Tunnocks Caramel Wafers

{probably the best biscuit snack in the world!} :x :x:x:x:x:x:x

oh! I feel a hot flush and a bit faint now!!!

:eek: :p:x:|B-)B-)B-)B-)

I was going to try and say something constructive on this thread.....

But everyone has covered most bases as far as I can see..

So well done Pre Apprentice....

re-read though all the 'good' bits on this thread and you should do fine IMHO!

Applaud SmileyApplaud SmileyApplaud SmileyApplaud Smiley;) :)

blimey Patch!I nearly spilt me beer then!!!

you'll give and old bloke a heart attack talking about your 'nobs' liker that!:OBlushing:p:p

They are a good biscuit :)

Nowt wrong with your fancy caramel wafers on a doylie but with a nice mid afternoon cup of tea a hobnob or a rich tea takes some beating,

People should be shot for making chocolate covered ones!


I'd take nothing on the first day, except perhaps some Tunnocks Caramel Wafers!Seriously, the guys you work with will know the best tools for their particular brand of electricianing, listen to them, and buy what they recommend.

I uderstand what some of the other posters have said but frankly if you turn up with something to lift floor boards when you are training as a maintenance electrician in factory you'll look silly.

All the best, and welcome to our world.
I like that word. Yes - I don't get out much. :_|

I will lock you back in that cell by the side of Patch, Specs. :eek:

whilst were on about tools, what do you lot prefer?for screwdrivers, i use CK insulated.

cutters, pliers etc, NWS
I have bahco snips, pliers and drivers except the ones I use for RCD's etc as they are CK (bahco don't seem to do them). I did look at CK first but prefered the feel of the bahco ones.


Thanks for your help :p

I done what a few of you says and contacted the company :) . It appears I don't need to turn up with tools at the moment :p . I think they will provide some and then its up to me to build up my kit. They said in time my journeyman etc will let me know what i'll be needing and when.

There wasn't much talk of equipment etc when I was at the interview but it being the interview, all I was concentrated on was listening and giving my replies.

When I recieved my offer of employment in letter, it came with a page for listing my clothing sizes as they are going to supply them of course. As there was no talk of tools I thought I had to buy my own to start me off. I didn't want to turn up with no tools when actually I was expected to have them.

Thanks for the replies anyway, appreciated Applaud Smiley.

As for all these "jokers" :^O .. the biscuit suggestions are good too Applaud Smiley

I'll keep these in mind :^O

"Special Location" seems to know more about his biscuits than he does his job :^O Is this climate actually that bad, the work is that dull :^O

Thanks for your help :p I done what a few of you says and contacted the company :) . It appears I don't need to turn up with tools at the moment :p . I think they will provide some and then its up to me to build up my kit. They said in time my journeyman etc will let me know what i'll be needing and when.

There wasn't much talk of equipment etc when I was at the interview but it being the interview, all I was concentrated on was listening and giving my replies.

When I recieved my offer of employment in letter, it came with a page for listing my clothing sizes as they are going to supply them of course. As there was no talk of tools I thought I had to buy my own to start me off. I didn't want to turn up with no tools when actually I was expected to have them.

Thanks for the replies anyway, appreciated Applaud Smiley.

As for all these "jokers" :^O .. the biscuit suggestions are good too Applaud Smiley

I'll keep these in mind :^O

"Special Location" seems to know more about his biscuits than he does his job :^O Is this climate actually that bad, the work is that dull :^O
I think with your sense of humour and this forum behind you, you will go far!!

well done pre-apprentice.As for tools I would hold fire for a while

Main duties you will have is observation and general dogs body for some time to come.

You will foot ladders until your legs get sore, you will be sent for tools that do not exist and be asked to do things you would never ask your mum to do.

Unfotunately this is the only humour electricians have when a green recruit come amongst them.

The main tools you will need for the first few months are as follows.

A good sense of humour

If you give be prepared to take.

Never take anything said as personal

Be strong show that you mean business.

Being an electrician is a bit like being in the army, yes we have rules regarding appropiate behaviour but on site if you do not get on with fellow workers then you are doomed.

You will meet every type of personality you ever imagined, the walter mitty, the I know it all, the joker, the downright nasty sod and the really good sparky.

Ignore the idiots and learn from those who know what they are doing.

Join in the conversations without making out that you know everything.

You will learn more by keeping your eyes and ears open than your mouth, and thats a fact.

Side cutters and a few drivers are all you will need, besides a likable nature.
id agree with every thing gh has said but only to add that me personally i dont treat people like crap! but what i tend to do is show them things as i get to know a person, i was treated the same way the way i know by a very good friend of mine and we are still friends to this day 10 years later, chris trained me originally, and weve stayed relaly ood friends and in fact i respect chris extremely highly, and yet we are both sparkies now. all the best pre apprentice enjoy your learning of the trade, cause if you enjoy it as much as i do in life, then youll be staying in the trade a very long time.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 19:25 ---------- Previous post was made at 19:21 ----------

I will lock you back in that cell by the side of Patch, Specs. :eek:
thing is though admin, pache and specs would enjoy that though, admin is pache still wearing his nice new clean white jacket :^O
