Hey all,
Probably not worded the title very well. Had my NIC first annual visit yesterday. Have got a fuse board swap coming up and the house has sockets mounted in the skirting board with no metal back box.
I was under the impression I'd have to, whilst doing te board swap, make sure everything else was up to scratch.
I've read variuous things about sockets in skirting. What is the actual say so with this matter???
But anyway, any defects like this I was told I could list on the EIC but as long as the all the circuits tested ok.
Opinions please....
Probably not worded the title very well. Had my NIC first annual visit yesterday. Have got a fuse board swap coming up and the house has sockets mounted in the skirting board with no metal back box.
I was under the impression I'd have to, whilst doing te board swap, make sure everything else was up to scratch.
I've read variuous things about sockets in skirting. What is the actual say so with this matter???
But anyway, any defects like this I was told I could list on the EIC but as long as the all the circuits tested ok.
Opinions please....