When is £200 less than £184 ? 🤔

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Aug 5, 2014
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So i tried to increase the MILs energy payment by 10% at the weekend as she is very slightly in debt.

But the useless EON system says that £200 is less than £184.01

They insist that she increases the payment to £250 which would be too much given it’s the time of year she will be using much less

What a useless company


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It's a badly written or at least badly worded app. What they mean is "we won't let you set a monthly DD lower than what we recommend"

Best advice, change to a better energy provider. I recommend Octopus who WILL let you set a DD lower than the one they suggest, or with Octopus another option is keep the DD the same and make a 1 off payment to clear any arrears. Octopus even let you request some back if too much in credit.

PM me for a referal code that will get you £50 credit for switching.
It's a badly written or at least badly worded app. What they mean is "we won't let you set a monthly DD lower than what we recommend"

What it actually means is that customers pay us more than they need and we'll stop them paying us the correct money.

I've taken this up with them for bad practice. ;)

Problem is how many people are paying far too much and are missing out on other things they need?
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I stopped paying by DD, I just ask them to bill me and I’ll pay it within 7days. (EDF)

Write a stern concise email to the CEO of EON express your concerns, I did with EDF and ended up with second in commands mobile number and email, didn’t get any more issues after that. 😉
Thing is that the MIL had smart meters installed by EON around May last year. These never were able to send data back so after me complaining to them for a few months both were finally replaced about 3 weeks ago.

So EON don’t even have reliable data to work out her usage

i feel sorry for all the people that EON, and other suppliers take the pxss out of amd don’t have a persistent SIL to sort these issues out
I suspect that whats happening is that the system is looking at what is going onto the account in total, so DD + £67 from energy support scheme, so £184.01+£67.00=£251.01. And expecting that this does not get decreased, but now we have reached the last month in the scheme* its now looking at £200+0=£200 and as that is less than £251.01 its not allowing it to happen.

Of course its very badly designed and misleading, but thats not unusual these days, especially with app design ( https://thedailywtf.com/series/errord fopr more examples)

*Its only the energy price cap thats been extended (capping unit prices) not the energy support scheme (£400 to each household dished out over time)
I suspect that whats happening is that the system is looking at what is going onto the account in total, so DD + £67 from energy support scheme, so £184.01+£67.00=£251.01. And expecting that this does not get decreased, but now we have reached the last month in the scheme* its now looking at £200+0=£200 and as that is less than £251.01 its not allowing it to happen.

Of course its very badly designed and misleading, but thats not unusual these days, especially with app design ( https://thedailywtf.com/series/errord fopr more examples)

*Its only the energy price cap thats been extended (capping unit prices) not the energy support scheme (£400 to each household dished out over time)

Maybe but with no explanation from EON we are only guessing.

We’re with Shell. Our DD would be £200 without the government support so we’ve been paying £134

The Shell bills are 100% clear, the EON bills are confusing
I stopped DD after moving to octopus.
You get 14 days with them to pay. Working out ok for me so far though Ive not looked into cheaper bills if DD committed