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Junior Member
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hi to everyone.

This has probably been asked loads before (I've searched the forum for answers) but my situation is rather different....

What type of course should I be doing to become an electrician? 2330 at a Local college or through JTL? Any ideas on how much it will cost? JTL say it won't cost me, even though I'm 33 year old woman currently employed full time in a job (i hate).

Finally, how do I know I'll do ok at this? I'm a bit daunted by looking at all the equations and formulas and, well maths. I am quite numerate but just worried I'll never remember it all. Does it become 2nd nature after some time? Will it ever be like riding a bike?

Any help or reassurance really appreciated at the moment.

I don't know about the training side of things (I did my 2330 one day a week at a local college while working as an electricians mate/slave/apprentice the rest of the week)but there is quite a lot of maths in the course. The course I went on was full of 17 year old boys who had failed their maths GCSE and were finding it all quite difficult. If you are quite numerate and willing to work at it I don't think it will be a problem for you.

I have been very lucky that 2 different electricians have given me a job since I started this, also as a 33 year old woman and I've been working in the industry now for 4/5 years. It's very hard to find work, but it's a great job to do. I think if you do domestic work, being a woman is an advantage because the customers think that you won't rip them off and will always be nice and tidy.

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Ooh, sorry, I forgot to say welcome to the forum and good luck with it all!

Thanks Ali it's good to hear a bit of reassurance! Yeah maths is no problem for me and what I don't know I am more than willing to learn. Did it cost you to go to college? I don't mind footing part of the course but I couldn't afford all of it. Yeah I too am looking for an apprenticeship/ slaveship. I don't mind about the lack of pay/ being a dogs body so long as I get experience. Are there many places that would take an over 20's woman on though? I'm at the very beginning of it all, trying to find as much out as possible. Thank you for your help Ali!!!!

SY, if you go through JTL, it would likely be either the 2330 or the 2357 (C&G and NVQ 3 combined). You should be fine. At worst, why not phone JTL and ask them? As for the maths, dont worry too much, most lecturers are clued up and would be happy to help you with any issues that you have.


I did my apprenticeship through JTL, you will end up with all the relevant c&g, your am2 and 17th. My course was 1 day a week release from work.

all for free!

I thought the cut off point for JTL was 19 and you must be employed though. Are you sure they will take you ?

If you can do it through JTL snatch their hand off.You will have a dedicated personal contact assigned to you who comes out and does onsite assessments and they make sure your employer treats you right and has all the relevant insurance. Takes about 3-4 years though and it's not easy like some other courses .....

Hey Andy yeah I've got my assessment day with JTL on the 28th this month. I just wanted to find out as much as possible before going (I don't want to turn up, ask stupid questions and look an idiot). The tutor I spoke to reassured me. But I was looking through this forums downloads section and panicked with all the equations and formulas. I work with numbers on a daily business so not too worried, just so keen to learn everything I can before I go there. I want to do well and impress as well as learn and understand

Hey SB yeah they will definitely take me on after passing a maths and english assessment day. Apparently they have got a government grant to retrain "women over 25". Only condition is I need a job as a dogs body, I mean trainee lol. I'm going to get the letters sent out after I've passed the assessment to look for a job anywhere and anything related. How did you find the JTL course? Did you find the maths hard? Was there anything you found easy?

I better get swatting now then! I do want to make a good impression!

Yeah I think I'll pass it. But I want to put the effort in, study for it and get the highest results I can. No point in doing things half arsed

SY - Has hubby got shed?

Here's excellent prctice for you - It's up for sale: welshwizard's Album: Test Board



Don't worry about the maths side of it, or any of it tbh, we'd all help you on here. Start a thread, have a bash what you think it is or should be worked out etc, and we'll work through it with you - no matter what it is. They're a great bunch on here.

That brilliant Admin but we've not got the room to set something up like that. Would love to though. Might have to have a bash on a smaller scale for now.

Yeah i've been taking lots of physics tests, re looking algebraic formulas and all that. Not that worried now I guess. I just really want to do this so I want to do well.

Thanks Admin!

SYinSY, tbh the course is fairly well taught ( mine personally was anyway) the 3rd yr is hard with 2 written exams and an AM2, which is a full practical assessment. It's hard but it's really worth doing it the right way as you will come out much more prepared for the real world, because you will have the practical experience( due to the job your hopefully going to get! ) you can do it, plus there's always the learning section here to help you along :)

SB thanks. Yeah I know it's not going to be an easy ride or anything and I'm prepared to work hard, I'm just panicking I guess. Yeah I'd rather do it the right way than a bodge it and leg it way!!! Everyone on here been very helpful and supportive so far so I'll stick around on here and hopefully get things moving with JTL and an apprenticeship (fingers crossed) from Wednesday.
