Where stocks wago's or similar

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

Tried to get some wagos from my local wilts and they dont stock them. Anyone know best place to get them from or similar ones ie screwfix or toolstation. Looked online but am getting nowhere fast


wagobox.com sell them iirc. My local John Cribbs do too.

Thanks for that but i really need them for tomorrow. RS is miles away tried a few other local wholesalers but they are all waiting for them to come in. Cheers again

i get a mixture of wago and multi comp from CPC

i like the multi comp (2)

and the wago (4,6)

if you get what i mean.

Denmans do the 'Ideal' version of the wago, as they are rexel group you may get them at senate, or neweys.

Is CEF the worst of the bunch?

I went in my local a few days ago for some of these connectors and got 3 way push fit small grey ones at
