Where's My Mate Working Then?

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Whatever it is, it just does not look "finished"

Obviously "architecture" designed to be seen from a distance, not close up where you see all the bits don't join.

I worked for a telecomms company in NZ and had to work up a 200M tower. I n oticed the large microwave dish next to me with WARNING KEEP AT LEAST 2M DISTANCE written all over it. I was right up against it working on a power supply. I expressed my concerne to my manager who was there with me and he said "I just put a meat pie in my pocket and when I feel it getting warm I know I'm too close" still not sure if he was joking or not!

OK, pewter wins with The Shard and steps gets the bonus point for spotting the helicopter! Apparently quite something when you're looking DOWN on a couple of Chinooks or Apaches as well!

Yep, it's my mate on Level 87. He's a sparks and was working on the building maintenance unit. I was on a lower building in the background and he sent the picture with the "Look up and wave!" type line. Here's another:

Turns out there's a vortex effect up top between the "gaps" up top and as a few will have seen on YouTube sometimes it gets a tad breezy! The news reported it as a window cleaner having got in trouble but in fact it was one of the bmu engineers. As it was happening with him inside he was shouting to his mate on the roof "Quick, film it! Efffing FILM IT!!!". Seems enough of the general public did too and it made the news:


I also know the abseiling crew who were at the tower in Vauxall when the helicopter sadly hit it. They were due to work up top but very luckily were having a toolbox talk when it hit!

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seen helicopters flying low over Dartmoor several times practicing low level flying - it is strange to be above them, but low flying Hercules transports (not steps horse) get my vote for best sight, other than Vulcan bomber on full throttle in steep climb.

Canoeboy said:
Chinooks at low level are pretty good, we have them fly over our works around once every 6 months (not sure why as we are not near any military places)
I love Chinooks! They fly low over the yard where I used to work. And much to my disappointment they never landed to pick me up :( Always wanted to go in one.

Don't know how true it is but one lad I know used to work on Chinooks as a civilian contractor. He reckons that in the back is a funnel like device that the troops can use to take a leak mid flight. He said the game with apprentices is to say "Right, now we need to check the "Ground Intercom", get inside and press your lips against that funnel shaped thing...............".


Must admit they're always over our valley, mainly at night. I still run out like a kid when I hear one!

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