White Dwarf Star due to explode

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'cos theres nought you can do about it Andy   .   I'm thinking if theres just us  clinging to this lonely planet that we are intent on overpopulating & killing off all the other species here  .........one day there will be this endless empty  universe just hanging here with no one in it forever & ever Amen .   :C

Sorry Dave , I get a bit  gloomy at new year , scares me a bit ...too many family & good friends I won't see again .  

At least they don't inflict the bagpipes upon us on TV anymore .      

 On the subject of bagpipes,   I was most amused when watching a documentary on the D - Day Landings a while back .   I'd seen many times the story of Lord Lovatt's Regiment  ( Whoever he was)  ...his Lordship insisted  on his piper  marching in front playing the bagpipes a couple of hours after they'd landed  ,  it was always told  to show his defiance of the enemy .     

This documentary followed  No. 2 Para  who came in on gliders  in the dark just after midnight .........  one of them commented if they had a clear view of the piper  wailing away  they'd have shot the noisy  bastard  for drawing the enemy fire on them .    

Oh  and happy new year to you too Dave .    (Couple of weeks is it before it reaches you up there ??) 

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Don't knock the Scottish army.  Although my father came from Oxford, he ended up in the Highland Light Infantry and went into Normandy I believe on D Day +3.  I think the pipers had gone by then.  It is my stated aim, if I live that long, to attend the 100th anniversary of D Day wearing his medals. 

Over the new year we attended the second of the 60th birthday parties in the extended family.  My sisters will be later this year.  We also attended another Niece's wedding.  Firmly nailing home the fact that WE are now the "older generation"  All our parents have fallen off their perches, so the lottery is now which one of US will be first to do so?

Don't knock the Scottish army
Wouldn't dream of it Dave  ,    but even I thought the use of a piper preceding your patrol , in the dark , on D-Day , where surprise  is  your main ally ,  with the 2nd  Airborne  preparing to take  the bridges ,   it was a somewhat crazy idea from the Lordship . 

I can almost hear what the Airborne must have thought  of it .   
