Who is gonna get the last ever forum post in then and who will know!

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Well as the world is gonna end in about 13 minutes who is gonna be the last poster and who will know! bad day explode :run
Still here and its been over 13 minutes, is it happening GMT or DST

No catastrophic disaster, plague and the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse are not galloping by my window. Does that mean I have missed something ?

last week Spain suffered an earthquake

but someone had predicted an earthquake in Rome for this exact day,,,,,,,he did it 50 or 75 years ago i think

but how strange that Spain had not had one for 50 years

coincedence ?????? or did he got the quake right but only a few hundred miles out ?????

I've been a Christian since 1989 (and an ordained minister since 2005) but think that this guy in America is a crackpot and I am dismayed by the coverage he has been getting ! What a fool he is going to look tomorrow along with the thousands of people who have seemingly believed him.

However I do believe that Jesus Christ will one day return for the second time. In the New Testament Christ and the apostles taught a lot on this subject and warned that certain events in the world would serve as signs that His return would soon follow, for example;

* Wars and rumours of wars (Matthew 24v6)

* Famines (Matthew 24v7)

* Pestilences/ diseases (Matthew 24v7)

* Earthquakes (Matthew 24v7)

* Roaring of the sea/ waves (Luke 21v25)

* Increased persecution of Christians (Matthew 24v9)

* False prophets (Matthew 24v11) ---- this guy would I believe be an example !

* Increased lawlessness (Matthew 24v12)

* plus many other signs which I have not got time to mention at this time.

Of course you might read this and think I am talking rubbish and that's fine, I'm not offended. We live in a democracy and we each have a right to believe what we choose to believe. I have chosen to believe what the Bible says and will always believe it, BUT I would never be daft enough to say that Christ will return on a specific date !. The Bible teaches that He will return when we do not expect it and that we should all be ready.


and not wanting to sound bad here,

but, we can make the Bible say whatever wee want if we just quote the bits we want,

this issue in Iran at the minute, do you have any problem with the guy getting blinded? an eye for an eye? or do you want to quote the bit that states do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

always remember that one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter,

" JOHN 15:13 "

One of the benefits of living within any democracy is the right to express a view, without harm or distress to another. My scientific background has dinted my beliefs in anything written that comes from various times and not ever intended to be compiled into a single volume. However I see great comfort given to those who have faith, and those who follow any teachings have a great compassion for fellow man. I would be a fool to believe this is not good. Like everything, crackpots like this guy brings everything into question, he did get it wrong in 1984 or was it 1994? so I guess nothing really changes.

Steps you're a good guy and I respect what you say. I'm not looking for a theological debate but totally agree that it is wrong to pull a bit of scripture out of context and build a doctrine around it. By doing this, as you say, you can make the Bible say whatever you want, however I do personally believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that if scriptures are read in context with an open mind they, and their inspired author (God), will make a positive impact on anyones life. I am more than happy to put my trust in Christ and Christ only. That is my personal choice.

I would not normally allow a religious or political debate to run on a forum, however in this instance I am prepared to allow response providing we are all in agreement that religion offers comfort to many, regardless of its values. Revved up Sparky has never tried to convert or preach, but does have very strong unwavering views which I could never challenge, nor would wish to. Providing all replies to this thread are civil and respectful of individual beliefs, and more important are not emotional, then I can allow this thread to continue. If like most debates of this nature it gets out of hand the thread will close.

With respect to all

I beleive we have to make the most of our lives. Life is too short. I do not disagree with any religion nor do i agree. I sit on the fence, therefore if budda, god, alah is indeed true then they cannot blame me for sitting on the fence with the freedom of choice they gave me. Realistically I think that when we die it will be the same as before we were born. I dont intend to do this job till im good as gone, I hope to open a B+B in a ski resort, skiing all afternoon. As good as being a spark is, its good money, its a good job but really its not what life is made for. We have to enjoy this ride while it last.

Yes I have had a lot of drink tonight but I will always stand by this view, and I will always respect people with their own view on life, as long as it doesnt harm any others.

He will return when we do not expect it and that we should all be ready.
?? I know this isnt adding much to the debate, but how can we be ready if we do not expect it? ;)

My own personal doctrine is pretty much 'live and let live' or 'whatever floats your boat' As has been sadi above, religion can and has given comfort to many, but can and has also be twisted round by some to support whatever agendas they have, be they good or bad.

But then every coin has 2 faces I guess.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 09:32 ---------- Previous post was made at 08:06 ----------

Just seen this, regarding the Rapture - "I guess Jesus was sent by Royal Mail" :D

Rev, I do have a belief, I was brought up that way, I just cant get the way people twist it for their own ends,

I truly believe that the troubles in norn iron are simply religion being a cover for thugs and gangsters,

religion, in its true form, is most deffo a great comfort and source of solace to many,

we all need to believe in something,

Most of you will know that I share the same views as the other Rev. Scripture has to be read and understood in context. Appreciation has to be given to what it was intended to say to the original hearers. Also we take into consideration culture, difference in language and customs etc etc. The guy in America is a crank what else can you say.

Live every day like it could be your last and be ready to meet your maker. The Bible says that He will come like 'a thief in the night' ie at an unexpected time.

Not intending to preach (I have that pleasure this evening) and other views respected.

I find it interesting to hear and see peoples different 'take' on it all

each to their own and i respect that,,,,,, but I shy away from getting into discussions about it.

My post was a bit tongue in cheek, I hope you realise this!!!

However, please keep the comments coming as though not a devoutly religious person, or a full believer, I am an "each to his own" type of guy.

I am interested in religious beliefs, my kids attend a local Baptist Union Chapel every Sunday and my Wife & I help out where we can in a more practical manner.

I have excellent Neighbours who are part of a very "different" religion however, they realise that they can't convert me, and I will listen to their opinions and question them and openly discuss their ideas and beliefs without prejudice.

So as the Mods say, why not discuss things in a friendly and open manner.

If this all goes wrong apologies to all in advance!!!
