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Feb 24, 2008
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Who on here uses wilts and how slow is the new computer system they had put in, it took an hour for me to get what i needed, because of the faffing around and problems caused by the new computer system , the staff seem alot unhappier aswell with it as they cannot do all the stuff like they could before.

anybidy noticed how much more time it takes to book stuff out, on cash sales,

Who on here uses wilts and how slow is the new computer system they had put in, it took an hour for me to get what i needed, because of the faffing around and problems caused by the new computer system , the staff seem alot unhappier aswell with it as they cannot do all the stuff like they could before.anybidy noticed how much more time it takes to book stuff out, on cash sales,
you mean they cant take stock without anyone noticing as easy as before?

yeah but also they have to go through 3 screens and get authoriation from the managaer that it has been dleivered, for a cash sale it throws out the paper work as follows,

1 x picking list

2 delivery notes (even though its deleivered while you wait)

2 invoices/reciepts (fair enough)

i really dont see why there is so much wastage of paper,

it takes soi long to complete an order on there now its time wasting

yeah much slower, cant even find out how much you owe at the counter!

this morning i got there at 7:30 was out at 7:40, computers were not even switched on at that time! so i will sort the paperwork tomorrow.

Suppose there was a reason for the change of system that may become evident once the teething problems are over

When i worked at CEF if there was ever a issue with the internet service it ment that you couldnt use the computers for anything, so no prices, no orders was a major pain in the ass because you would have to ring another branch to get pricing for each item, makes me glad i was just the van driver and could get away from the mad house.

Problem is most of the prices are bull**** at CEF until discount is applied(sometimes after too) :p

i had same problem ive been in twice now and told to take what i ordered without paying on a cash sale so a good system for me im going back in tomorrow for more free stuff:^O:^O:^O

We had it last week at Wilts in Brum . Mem dist. Bd. plus MCBs , 35mm meter tails , all in the van ready to go , then long wait with all the staff staring at computer screens , office staff coming out. After 10 mins we were told that we did not exist then sudenly it prints out the note. Utter chaos !! Normally they are good , to be fair.

All i get from my local wholesaler is a hand written receipt each time i go there! much simpler
Do they still work by candlelight Andy? ; \

We have 2 branches of Wilts close by, lots of furrowed foreheads among the staff 1st thing In the morning when Its busy...And the older members of staff cant handle the system...Lots of `Have you got a sec?` beetween staff
